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    Health Anxiety Common as COVID Restrictions Loosen

    July 14, 2021 -- As restrictions lift and mask mandates become scarce, Americans are filling their social calendars and booking vacations. While some are rejoicing, health care professionals say others are emerging from the pandemic with more health-related fears. COVID-19 has caused more anxiety and depression for many over the course of the pandemic. A survey from the CDC and the Census Bureau found the percentage of adults with symptoms of anxiety or depBut this phenomenon will not just disappear as COVID-19 cases decrease, says Reese Druckenmiller, a clinical social worker for the Mayo Clinic Health System. “There are still people out there not wanting to leave home,” she says. “Some folks inherently struggle with anxiety more than others, and we know anxiety can come from different experiences and traumas. This pandemic has been traumatic for people.”ressive disorder increased from 36.4% to 41.5% from August 2020 to February 2021.

    I wonder if this rating really show's the percentage of people who got trauma due to this freakin covid-19. How about you, what are your thoughts on this one?

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    I find it hard adjusting to people being out and about now. After driving around with no traffic and going to stores with no lines or people in them, I have found that my patience and tolerance for being around tons of people has gone way down.

    Not because I am worried about the virus, but because I just don't like waiting and don't like being around other people and being held up for dumb reasons. Really makes me want to move to the middle of nowhere. I wouldn't say that I am traumatized but it really reset my tolerances for being social with strangers and definitely made me prefer being at home, at peace with my family, rather than out and about in the world.

    I also feel like people forgot how to exist out in the world after not being in it for so long, which only adds to my desire to not be out in the world.
    Last edited by kss; 08-17-2021 at 06:27 AM.

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  5. #3
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    It was a bit stressful at the outset of the pandemic. That would have been sometime around April of 2020. I was working with the public and we really didn't know what was going on with the virus at the time. How do you defend yourself against an invisible threat ? I went into hyper vigilant mode for awhile.

    I could see that my peace of mind was pretty well disrupted. The thing i couldn't figure out was if it was situational or if my thyroid condition was acting up again so i went to the doctor and got some testing done. The bloodwork came back good on all counts so that left situational as being the cause.

    Nooo problem. I like it when everything is going to hell. I calm right down and become very clear headed. Ever see that scene in the movie " Apocalypse Now " where Robert Duvall says " I love the smell of napalm in the morning " ? ( It's kinda like that. )

    I guess you are never so alive as when you're running straight out with a pack of hungry wolves nipping at your heels !

    After awhile ... the covid thing just became a normal part of life. You get used to it just like anything else and you carry on.

    It had nothing to do with Covid, but i decided to take the summer off and work at home this summer. You know how it is ... there are always a hundred and one things that need to be done on the homefront but you never have the time or energy to get them done when you're stuck on your 40 hr./week job. It's been a good summer and i've gotten quite a bit accomplished. Lots and lots of hard physical labor in the fresh air and the sunshine. I'm getting back in shape again and it feels good.

    I have noticed that i'm not as social after being home for a couple of months now. It's usually pretty quiet on this island off the coast of Maine. We have a causeway over to the mainland so it's not like we're totally isolated but we are a good bit off the beaten path. The summer tourist season is in full swing and there are a lot of construction delays and detours on the roads right now. Lots of traffic and people in the stores. I'm just as well satisfied to stay close to home these days.

    I'm gonna try and hold out till after Labor Day. Then go back at it with a regular 40 hr. per week job again.

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  7. #4
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    There is little doubt that Covid causes anxiety, stress, and confusion for a lot of individuals. Lack of honesty, knowledge, or the unknown impacted the vast majority. Who and what to believe was the biggest reason many went into shut down mode.

    I decided to help with the census during this time. A trip from the mid-west to Dallas through Chicago and back was taken (American Rodeo). Experience with the gamut of responses was observed in both of these situations. Some hide under masks and blankets while others through caution to the wind. It is amazing regardless of the strategy, the vast majority survived.

    In this part of the country few stressed out about the virus, the lifestyle encourages social distancing. Masks were a personal choice respected by most. A lot of interactions are outdoors. A desire to be left alone was not born of the corona virus, it was born in the 1800's. Some refused to wear a mask unless it was a medical or dental visit.

    I feel for those that are suffering mentally and empathetic to them as well. The pandemic has made me lean more towards libertarian than conservative. Key to happiness is what we can control. Bottom line is that we cannot control others responses, only our own. Living in harmony with nature and our creator is the best we can do regardless of what others might impose upon us. So I decided to look within, not outward.
    Give back more to this world than we take.

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  9. #5
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    My add to this tread will be directed to anxiety. I have a family member had suffered from anxiety and changed her diet to low carb. Within a few weeks she was better than she had been in years. To check it out she has eaten high carb meals and found the same feelings return.

    If you are interested I recommend Dr. Ken D Berry on youtube channel: KenDBerryMD
    Dr. Eric Westman on the youtube channel: Adapt Your Life
    Also I like Dr. Jason Fung on youtube channel Jason Fung

    Personally I have diabetes for over 25 years, high blood pressure, thyroidectomy, Kidney disease and did 5 1/2 years of dialysis. I ended up getting a kidney transplant which comes with lots of medications and restrictions to life. Yes it is lots better than dialysis.

    So when I say low carb diet helped me I mean it really helped me. I feel better than I had in 20 years after eating little carbs. Is it easy for some it seems so but it can still be challenging. If you find someone who wants to sell you supplements I recommend you look elsewhere or just ignore the sales pitch. If it says KETO on the package check it double, there are lots of lairs out there. KETO is another term for low carb diet so is carnivore. 73, Mike
    Last edited by miked; 08-30-2021 at 08:16 AM.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  11. #6
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    My previous statement was not meant to be political. I am just fed up with both political parties and being independent seems like you just bounce between the two. Libertarian seems like a good choice until a redneck party emerges.

    A party that reflects what we are expected as individuals to adhere to as far as values would be welcomed. Live within your means, courage to change the things you can, accept the things you cannot change, and the wisdom to know the difference. "Serenity Prayer." We can limit the covid virus with vaccinations, we cannot force others to get the vaccination, and we must accept it is part of our life.

    Not asking for confrontation, but this post violates both the political and religious bans of this forum. It is time to start living, not dying.

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  13. #7
    wildliferacer started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot76 View Post
    There is little doubt that Covid causes anxiety, stress, and confusion for a lot of individuals. Lack of honesty, knowledge, or the unknown impacted the vast majority. Who and what to believe was the biggest reason many went into shut down mode.

    I decided to help with the census during this time. A trip from the mid-west to Dallas through Chicago and back was taken (American Rodeo). Experience with the gamut of responses was observed in both of these situations. Some hide under masks and blankets while others through caution to the wind. It is amazing regardless of the strategy, the vast majority survived.

    In this part of the country few stressed out about the virus, the lifestyle encourages social distancing. Masks were a personal choice respected by most. A lot of interactions are outdoors. A desire to be left alone was not born of the corona virus, it was born in the 1800's. Some refused to wear a mask unless it was a medical or dental visit.

    I feel for those that are suffering mentally and empathetic to them as well. The pandemic has made me lean more towards libertarian than conservative. Key to happiness is what we can control. Bottom line is that we cannot control others responses, only our own. Living in harmony with nature and our creator is the best we can do regardless of what others might impose upon us. So I decided to look within, not outward.
    Indeed. Nowadays, we do not know whom to listen to or to trust, but this experience teaches a great lesson to trust in ourselves. We know ourselves personally, what is good or what is bad for us. Trusting our instincts will only matter this time moving forward, and yes, living in harmony with nature and the creator is the best we can do.

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  15. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot76 View Post
    My previous statement was not meant to be political. I am just fed up with both political parties and being independent seems like you just bounce between the two. Libertarian seems like a good choice until a redneck party emerges.

    A party that reflects what we are expected as individuals to adhere to as far as values would be welcomed. Live within your means, courage to change the things you can, accept the things you cannot change, and the wisdom to know the difference. "Serenity Prayer." We can limit the covid virus with vaccinations, we cannot force others to get the vaccination, and we must accept it is part of our life.

    Not asking for confrontation, but this post violates both the political and religious bans of this forum. It is time to start living, not dying.

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  17. #9
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    With all these Covid-19 hysteria, all you have to do is to stop following the media and invest your time to develop your personality in a positive way. Keep yourself grounded and connected with nature and do not entertain any negative thought that crosses your path.

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  19. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by hunkverse View Post
    With all these Covid-19 hysteria, all you have to do is to stop following the media and invest your time to develop your personality in a positive way. Keep yourself grounded and connected with nature and do not entertain any negative thought that crosses your path.
    I quit following the media a long time ago but it's hard to stay grounded when you work in facilities where up to 40% of the patients are isolated with covid. I'm having to dress out in hospital garb to work on their telephones again, but it's keeping me busy. Most of them can't even use the phones because they're sick but they have to be in working order. It's sad seeing all the sick people and it's really sad when family can't get in to see them. It's hard to stay positive. Maybe I need to go get a big bucket of sand to stick my head in.

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  21. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimicrk View Post
    I quit following the media a long time ago but it's hard to stay grounded when you work in facilities where up to 40% of the patients are isolated with covid. I'm having to dress out in hospital garb to work on their telephones again, but it's keeping me busy. Most of them can't even use the phones because they're sick but they have to be in working order. It's sad seeing all the sick people and it's really sad when family can't get in to see them. It's hard to stay positive. Maybe I need to go get a big bucket of sand to stick my head in.
    I found that getting vaccinated made a pretty big difference. I did what i could for the community, the family, and myself. It's like ...okay ... i've done the best i can and it's time to get on with my life. If it comes then it comes but it probably won't kill me. About 95 % of the eligible people in my area chose to get vaxxed. We're getting a few breakthrough cases here and there but it's more like a far away thing that you hear about on the news.

    The main thing where people get stuck in a negative mindset is that they get hung up on what they other guy is doing. They crank, and fuss, and whine, and moan because the other guy didn't get vaxxed or chooses not to wear a mask. They're so judgemental. That judgementalism makes them crazy because other people and the world around them will never conform to the way they think it ought to be.

    Anyhow ... life is a dangerous place to be. You'll never get out alive so you might as well enjoy the ride and make the most of every day. There's just no way of knowing. Today may be your last.

    That's what i try to remind myself of when i'm having a bad day. I ask myself .... is this how i would like to spend my last day on earth ? That tends to put a lot of things into perspective.

    What the other guy does is his business. You makes yer choices and you takes yer chances. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose depending upon if you made a good decision. It's just the way of things.

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  23. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by hills View Post
    I found that getting vaccinated made a pretty big difference. I did what i could for the community, the family, and myself. It's like ...okay ... i've done the best i can and it's time to get on with my life. If it comes then it comes but it probably won't kill me. About 95 % of the eligible people in my area chose to get vaxxed. We're getting a few breakthrough cases here and there but it's more like a far away thing that you hear about on the news.

    The main thing where people get stuck in a negative mindset is that they get hung up on what they other guy is doing. They crank, and fuss, and whine, and moan because the other guy didn't get vaxxed or chooses not to wear a mask. They're so judgemental. That judgementalism makes them crazy because other people and the world around them will never conform to the way they think it ought to be.

    Anyhow ... life is a dangerous place to be. You'll never get out alive so you might as well enjoy the ride and make the most of every day. There's just no way of knowing. Today may be your last.

    That's what i try to remind myself of when i'm having a bad day. I ask myself .... is this how i would like to spend my last day on earth ? That tends to put a lot of things into perspective.

    What the other guy does is his business. You makes yer choices and you takes yer chances. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose depending upon if you made a good decision. It's just the way of things.
    Your statement "is this how i would like to spend my last day on earth ?" puts everything in perspective. To add to it, what I do not do today, someone else will have to do tomorrow. This is just motivation for the endless list of jobs to complete.
    Last edited by Patriot76; 08-27-2021 at 06:02 AM.

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  25. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot76 View Post
    Your statement "is this how i would like to spend my last day on earth ?" puts everything in perspective. To add to it, what I do not do today, someone else will have to do tomorrow. This is just motivation for the endless list of jobs to complete.
    I can relate. It's a similar thing with me. I'm thinking about the legacy i leave behind when i'm gone. There are a lot more days behind me than there are ahead of me.It's time to start paring down and simplifying things so that somebody else can take over. It's probably going to be my wife but the property will eventually go to one of my boys. It may even get sold so i'm trying to get it into good shape.

    It's been a great summer with working from sunrise to sunset most every day. Made quite a bit of gain on all of those projects that i never had time for while i was working the regular 40 hrs a week.

    There's been a change in the air over the last few days though. I can feel it. The summer is drawing to a close and the days are getting noticeably shorter now. The wind has started coming up out of the North again and the daytime temperatures have dropped. The Oak trees have started dropping their acorns and the deer are coming in to feed.

    I start my new job this week. Gonna miss that connection to the natural rhythm of the days. Just gotta hold turn for a few more years and then can retire do what i love most full time. Working the regular job is okay but i would rather be working here on the homefront and live life on my own terms.

    I know you know ... you're livin' the good life there Patriot.

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  27. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by hills View Post
    That's what i try to remind myself of when i'm having a bad day. I ask myself .... is this how i would like to spend my last day on earth ? That tends to put a lot of things into perspective.
    A+ on that line, hills.

    I use a similar line when I am frustrated in traffic.... Tomorrow, I am going to be miles away having fun and this won't even be a memory.

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    Quote Originally Posted by t00nces2 View Post
    A+ on that line, hills.

    I use a similar line when I am frustrated in traffic.... Tomorrow, I am going to be miles away having fun and this won't even be a memory.
    Whoo boy .... the traffic is one thing i don't miss. I used to drive a 40' city bus when i lived in Boston. The Friday afternoon traffic was complete gridlock. It seems like it was another lifetime ago now that i think back on it.

    I'm glad i didn't wait to make the change. My dad always talked about retiring from his job and moving back home to Maine. He had a stroke and died at 51 years old. Lesson learned .... don't wait to do what you really want to do in life because there are no guarantees that tomorrow will be here for you.

    I'll tell ya man .... i've was seriously considering taking an early retirement over the past couple of weeks.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hills View Post
    Whoo boy .... the traffic is one thing i don't miss. I used to drive a 40' city bus when i lived in Boston. The Friday afternoon traffic was complete gridlock. It seems like it was another lifetime ago now that i think back on it.

    I'm glad i didn't wait to make the change. My dad always talked about retiring from his job and moving back home to Maine. He had a stroke and died at 51 years old. Lesson learned .... don't wait to do what you really want to do in life because there are no guarantees that tomorrow will be here for you.

    I'll tell ya man .... i've was seriously considering taking an early retirement over the past couple of weeks.
    I am going this week to look at a couple properties in GA that may work out to be our base camp to look for our retirement location.... The one may work to be the place to land. We are both looking to step away from the noise and bustle of the city.

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    Turns out I didn't go, I wound up with WooHooFloo. Fever, achy hinges, some cough, but otherwise, just a flu.
    Last edited by t00nces2; 09-01-2021 at 04:38 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by t00nces2 View Post
    Turns out I didn't go, I wound up with WooHooFloo. Fever, achy hinges, some cough, but otherwise, just a flu.
    Ohh man .... i'm sorry to hear that T. Did you get tested ?

    Chances are that you'll bounce back in a couple of weeks but ... please ... do keep a close eye on your wife. I'm not sure, but i think you mentioned something about here having some breathing problems awhile back ? Keep a close eye on her oxygen levels and don't hesitate to get her into the ER if she's having any trouble with her breathing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hills View Post
    Ohh man .... i'm sorry to hear that T. Did you get tested ?

    Chances are that you'll bounce back in a couple of weeks but ... please ... do keep a close eye on your wife. I'm not sure, but i think you mentioned something about here having some breathing problems awhile back ? Keep a close eye on her oxygen levels and don't hesitate to get her into the ER if she's having any trouble with her breathing.
    Thanks for the concern. We are working our way through it. So far, she hasn't gotten any flu... yet.

    We are sleeping in separate rooms. She doesn't have breathing problems, but she is on biologics. That is the reason she didn't want the vax... It could smoke her immune system.

  38. #20
    wildliferacer started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimicrk View Post
    I quit following the media a long time ago but it's hard to stay grounded when you work in facilities where up to 40% of the patients are isolated with covid. I'm having to dress out in hospital garb to work on their telephones again, but it's keeping me busy. Most of them can't even use the phones because they're sick but they have to be in working order. It's sad seeing all the sick people and it's really sad when family can't get in to see them. It's hard to stay positive. Maybe I need to go get a big bucket of sand to stick my head in.
    You are in a tough spot. I admire what you are doing because I can only imagine how hard it is.

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