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glass from tv's

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  1. #1
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    glass from tv's

    If this was already been asked, I apologize.

    Since I know what goodies come from TV's now, I am seeing a ton of them for FREE on craigslist. Granted not worth the gas to go to each one, because of their location, but if I know I will be in the neighborhood, then I don't mind it.

    Plastic I can just throw away, but what do you guys that scrap tv's do with the glass? Obviously I can't throw it away, so any advice would be appreciative.

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  2. #2
    Mick's Avatar
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    Not a good, single answer. My landfill charges $5 to take them. Here is one of many threads on the subject. Read on through for a company name that might work for you:

    Good luck
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  3. #3
    rca987's Avatar
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    Well I typically find these in the trash anyways, TV's that is. So after harvesting, I put them back where I found them...So to speak. Hey, atleast I kept a little bit of stuff out of the landfill.

    I have tested curb side trash before. Sat in my parents driveway one morning with a glass tube only sitting on the grass.. no plastic attached or anything, and they picked it up and threw it in the truck without hesitation, as I watched.
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  4. #4
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    I know there is a transfer station near me, but not sure what they take or fees, so I will have to ask.

    I would just throw them in the trash if it wasn't for the whole lead thing.

  5. #5
    Hypoman's Avatar
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    There is money to be made from the glass if you have the resources. Computerscrapper may be able to give some advice in that area if you pm him. You just need to get the resources to do it. Also Easyrecycle has volunteered to be a broker for those interested in finding buyers, I believe you would have to sell the whole tv though.
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  6. #6
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    If I'm not mistaken, ComputerScrapper has built a machine that is separating the two kinds of glass in the tubes and he has buyers for both kinds,,, He's maximizing a TV/monitor to the limit.

  7. #7
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hypoman View Post
    There is money to be made from the glass if you have the resources. Computerscrapper may be able to give some advice in that area if you pm him. You just need to get the resources to do it. Also Easyrecycle has volunteered to be a broker for those interested in finding buyers, I believe you would have to sell the whole tv though.
    Thanks for referring me to him hypoman. He has given me an easy and effective way of taking the monitors (glass/lead apart).

    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    If I'm not mistaken, ComputerScrapper has built a machine that is separating the two kinds of glass in the tubes and he has buyers for both kinds,,, He's maximizing a TV/monitor to the limit.
    Yes, that is correct. It is what him and I have been discussing. Using a DC power supply and nickel chrome wire. Wrapping the wire around the seal, attaching it to the DC power supply, and then turning it on to heat up the wire. Then pull the glass apart and take out the metal.

  8. #8
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    I'm just guessing that you guys are 'devacuuming' the screens first.

    Breaking off the little pig tail of glass on the pointy end of the screen to let the air into the tube.

    I tried to remove the metal band from around the screen without devacuuming it first.

    Covering a area of about 12 foot dia with 4 inch glass shards.
    I nearly sh@t myself & still wonder how I didn't get cut or loose my eyesight....

    With the Nuclear power stations in Japan blowing up...
    Would they import the lead glass to use as radiation insulation or even to mop up the radiation?

  9. #9
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Hmmm weird. how does a sealed container under vacuum explode? Wouldnt it implode? Just a thaught.

  10. #10
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    I read this yesterday, and I can't find the book now, someone else has it.

    That theres a 17Lbs per square inch of pressure (vacuum, the pressure is from the outside) in a TV screen.

    That works out to be over a TON of pressure over the whole TV screen!!!
    Now playing around with a ton of pressure is pretty dangerous....

    Just because its vacuum dosn't mean its all going in a inwards direction, it means its like crushing a lemon, some goes in, some squirts out.
    Considering the glass is about a inch thick on the front screen, the shards are 3-4 inches long, tapered to a point 7 fly in every direction & theres a LOT of force involved.

    Just imagine what would happen if you put a small amount of dynamite (one ton of pressures worth) inside the screen & let it go bang, thats just whats happening with the vacuum...

    On a side note, where I have been scrapping for a while, I consider it 'my spot', TV's get dumped off.
    A fat kid on a bike went past a couple of weeks ago, asked what I was doing.
    I told him, & warned him about the TV screen & their propensity to explode.

    So next time I go there, theres TV bits everywhere, cases, boards screens, just all ripped apart & the yokes & degaussing cables gone.
    I figure its him, he's made a **** mess of the place & never cleaned up, didn't rip the boards, just the easy stuff, probably cost me $50.
    So I clean it up a bit.
    Next thing he arrives, gives me a story about "Someone who's watching this place & not to scrap there again".

    Bull$h!t I think, next he starts undoing my cleaning up, probably thinking its all new TV's.
    I say "Some dikhed made a real mess here & they are gonna put in a CCTV security system in now because of that. & not to muck around with the screens as he's gonna get hurt".

    So he's still mucking around with them, ones on its side, hes 6 foot away, I give it a slight tap on the steel band....

    BOOM!! Glass everywhere. He nearly ****z himself. I say "Told you so"

    Hes as white as a ghost, can't believe it, says he saw "a shockwave" from the CRT as it exploded, still unsure if I had anything to do with it.
    He got glass embedded in his jeans. I start cleaning the glass off the ground & talk about idiots who don't know what they are doing, theres 3 other screens ready to explode just like that one.
    The ones he placed there....

    He gets on his bike & leaves. Same thing will happen next time he arrives too.

  11. #11
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    Im no expert but I would think even a tube under vacuum set outside for a long enuff perioud of time could and would heat up and that vacuum could turn to pressure. Ill have to do some searching.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by PartTimeScrapper View Post
    Im no expert but I would think even a tube under vacuum set outside for a long enuff perioud of time could and would heat up and that vacuum could turn to pressure. Ill have to do some searching.
    A vacuum will never heat up. Their is nothing inside a vacuum to expand so no pressure will ever be their.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by drozenski View Post
    A vacuum will never heat up. Their is nothing inside a vacuum to expand so no pressure will ever be their.
    So just for the sake of argument, when you are in space which is a vacuum? and your floating around in front of the sun the temperature is?
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  14. #14
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    KZBell...the temperature in space is almost nothing. there is a negligible amount of mass in the space, but it is basically nothing. an object floating in space in front of the sun could absorb energy from photons (light) and heat up a tiny bit, but the temperature in the vacuum space directly outside the object would not absorb any energy and would not get any warmer than close to 0 degrees kelvin.
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    to put this in perspective , I believe an atomic bomb explodes and a hydrogen bomb implodes. not sure but I read this some where years ago. Also for every action there is an equil and oposite reaction.

  17. #16
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    Maybe I am just lucky, but no matter how rough I handle TV's, I have not had one explode.

  18. #17
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    me either and I had one last week a 27 inch fall off my tailgate and land straight on the glass. Only scratched it.

  19. #18
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    If you test it out, the first thing you will do from now on is break that little pigtail of glass inside the ring of wire connectors on the point of the rear of the screen & listen as the air gets sucked in.

    If someone fell onto the point of the rear of the screen & the glass broke, it'd suck most of their blood or insides into the screen.

    I place it face down on the ground, on something soft, not stones etc, then I break the case just around where the tail is & then either start tapping the bit of circuitboard or pull the board off & tap the glass bit, till I hear it crack & start sucking in air.

    It sounds like when you purse you lips & suck a lungfull of air in. When its stopped I can now carry on.

    I'm facing the other way, with eyes closed.
    Don't pick up a screen by its tail or the metal band around it. Sometimes they slip out of the band.

    First thing you should do anyway is release the vacuum.

    I couldn't find any videos on the net that really show the screen exploding, most are bullet holes etc.

    All I did was tap where the band in, its on its join, its weakest point.

    I had 3 screens lying face down on the lawn in a corner, when I came back from holiday there were only 2 & a big ring of broken glass, I couldn't figure out what happened until my first & last experience of breaking a whole screen.

    I guess its like mentioned above, the sun got to it, heated it up in different places & BANG!

  20. #19
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    My yard will pay .12 per pound for tvs the whole thing glass and all.
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  21. #20
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    Not that it is something to be taken completely lightly, but the power of the vaccuum in these tubes is being a little exaggerated in this post.

    First, a vacuum tube cannot heat up to the point that it explodes, since there is nothing inside to expand. Though most CRT tubes aren't absolute perfect vacuums, the negligible amount of gas inside is essentially impossible of heating to the point that it could generate enough pressure to explode the glass.

    Glass has a rediculously high tensile strength, in the lower range of glass it is still over 3000 psi. Atmospheric pressure is what is pushing against a vacuum tube is roughly 15 psi, well within the range of what glass can maintain. When the seal is broken on the vacuum the forced of the air being pulled in isn't that high. The volume of the tube is relatively small, which is thus propotional to the 'suck' of the vacuum created, not strong enough to suck your guts out but maybe enough to give you a hickey.

    The glass could explode from being hit, but this is not because of the vacuum, it is most likley because the glass is tempered like the side windows of a car.

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