I saved all our paper for the month opf Jan it came to 37 lbs
16 lbs newspaper
12 lbs paperboard
4 lbs office / mixed paper
5 lbs cardboard
Place by me pays .01 a pound for it. So not worth doing. But it goes to the city in there bins to be recycled
Was doing glass btls / jars and getting .05 a pound for them 28 lbs a month. They stopped taking them so they also go to the city to recycle
Still doing #1 plastic bottles for .30 a pound 4 pounds a month so have to stockpile them
Starting to do #2 plastic for .05 a pound and will need to stockpile this as well as it takes alot to make a pound
Alum cans 11 lbs month @ .62 lb is $6.82
Iron steel 1805 lb a month @ .10 is $180.45
Other metals 259 lb month @ .53 a lb avg is $137.11
It pays to recycle