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  1. #1
    forwardlookguy started this thread.
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    TKO Polymers in Atlanta buys E-waste plastic

    Hello everyone, I took a little over 500 pounds of mostly ABS plastic from keyboards, PC's, vacuums, etc. over to TKO Polymers in Atlanta on Friday. I had called around to a lot of different places and either got no response or they said I could drop it off but wouldn't buy it. Well, I found TKO and they said they would buy it so I loaded up my two gaylords (by hand mind you) and headed over there. I got 4.5 cents a pound so I made $25.56 which was enough to cover my gas so I was happy. The owners Mark and Stuart said they buy LTL amounts like mine but it has to be mostly ABS or PC (polycarbonate), not "flimsy TV shells, those aren't worth ****" (his words not mine). So I thought I'd let everyone know if they are around Atlanta, these guys are nice to work with and you can make some money on your plastics. My load was not purely ABS and they knew that. It was probably 90% ABS with other plastics mixed in. Their website is They are on the south side of Atlanta. Even if you are not close, if you have a full semi trailer full, you could probably call and get a competitive price. These guys have a lot of space and a lot of volume!

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  3. #2
    Scrapette's Avatar
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    Talked to a buyer at Intercon near Chicago and they buy plastic too. But they couldn't give me any prices unless I sent them a sample.

    They might have been able to give me a quote if I knew the specifics on the plastics I have. But I didn't.
    Success consists of going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm...... Churchill

  4. #3
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Thanks for the info. ATL is a bit too far for a regular trip, but I finally found an outlet for free disposal in S GA. Better than paying for disposal. Any information for plastics purchasers in Macon or further south?

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