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What's a good metal detector to get. I used my step dads before but I think his was just a cheap one.
I have the GARRETT INFINIUM LS which is a pulse induction detector, not recommended for places where humans frequent. The PI metal detectors do not discriminate between trash and treasure. On the other hand they do a very good job at finding metal objects that are deep in the ground.
For places were humans go for fun and pleasure I would suggest getting a good VLF detector.
My girlfriend had a cheap White and I had another Garrett and her White would find way more coins than my more expensive detector,If metal detecting turns your crank I suggest that you join a club and just hang around on some of the outings long enough to see which detectors are finding the goodies before laying out that hard earned cash.
Never take a mans word that his metal detector is the best, as far as I'm concerned my Infinum is the best but may not be the machine for you. It really boils down to where you plan to hunt as to which detector is going to be best for you, buy two.