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Service Members - Roll call

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    admin started this thread.
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    Service Members - Roll call

    Any SMF members who are active military or vets, please post in this thread.

    I'd really like to provide additional benefits, or at least recognition to forum members who are currently serving or have served.

    Please include:

    Military branch, occupational specialty, any deployments you'd like to list, and anything else you'd like to include.

    If you're NOT past or present military, please DO NOT post in this thread.

    Any members who want to be recognized as such, will get a 'veteran' badge under their username, and additional undecided benefits on the forum.

    Bottom line is, without these folks, this forum may very well not exist.

    To all who put themselves in harms way, to ensure us and our families remain safe, THANKS.

  2. #2
    Craasher's Avatar
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    I was in the Alabama Air National Guard as a Life Support Technician from 1995 to 2001. Life Support has since been renamed Aircrew Equipment, and you basically take care of the pilots equipment and teach them survival skills if they get shot down. I went through both land and water survival schools, but never was able to make it to jump school before I was out processed. My out process date was September 9, 2001 and we all know what happened 2 days later. Since I was already out I didn't get to do anything after that since they never called up reservists.

    I spent time in Turkey at Incirlik Air Base taking care of the pilots who patrolled the Northern No Fly Zone over Iraq, and in Norway doing joint exercises with the Norwegian Navy and Air Force.

    I dont ever really consider myself a vet since I served in times of peace, but I wouldn't trade the time for anything. Being in the military is one of those things that I credit with me being able to look a person for his worth not how much money he has or what kind of car he drives. I've met guys with their GED who were wizards when it came to fixing jet engines, and I've known people with masters degrees who couldn't find their own hat.

  3. #3
    JohnC4X4's Avatar
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    I was in the Navy as a Nuclear Electrician early 80's for 8 years

    Served on 637 and La class subs
    Plank owner of the 716 Salt Lake City
    Did a couple round the world cruises, including Barbeque top side going thru the Panama canal

  4. #4
    gamedayron's Avatar
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    E-1 Private in the Marine Corps.
    Aviation tech.
    only served 11 months before being injured.
    Echo company
    No deployments

  5. #5
    Mick's Avatar
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    US Army 8/67 - 8/70; 8/71 - 5/80, MOS 63B (Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic)

    Viet Nam Jan - Dec '68 - 261st Transportation - 5ton driver
    Ft Carson, CO & Camp McCoy, WI Jan '69 - Aug '70; Ft Hood, TX Aug '71 - Apr '72
    Korea May '72 - Jun '73
    Homestead AFB, Fla Jul '73 - Dec '74
    Germany Jan '75 - Apr '77
    Ft Polk, La May '77 - Nov '78
    Sent home to Iowa after a knee operation and forgot about for over six months. I contacted them and was told to wait for orders. None arrived and contacted them again. Assigned to the Recruiting station in Des Moines Ia about Sept '79
    Des Mones, Ia recruiting station (clerk, not a recruiter) Oct '79 to May '80
    Got out in May '80 as an E6. Told myself there HAD to be a better way to make a living.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

  6. #6
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    Army Reserve. My unit just came back from Desert Storm when I joined out of High School. After my 8 years and I decided not to re-enlist the next war started and they were deployed again. I missed both deployments... they have been deployed several times since... always a need for a hospital unit.

    I went to basic at Ft. Jackson, SC. Fun stuff... most of it. AIT at Fitzsimons Medical Center, CO. A year in the Denver area learning all about my MOS. 35G (reclassified to 91A) Medical Equipment Repair Tech. - Biomed. Also a fun time.

    Discharged as a specialist, E-4...

  7. #7
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    U.S.N 60/65. 60/61 DDR 742 FRANK KNOX, BME2/E3, DDR 1022 HOOPER light weapons 61/62/63. Transfered to MAC-SOG Phu Bai,Qui, Quang Tri, Qui Nhon 11/63-65, E4/E5 BM/GM light weapons/topical graphics analist, discharged by congressional edict 7/65. "I was young and stupid back then.... I'm no longer young"

  8. #8
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I was drafted in Mar.69 (when Viet Nam was in all the papers) and did basic at Ft.Knox Ky. On the trip down to the Indy.induction center on the bus there was a young man laughing all the way down while we were sweating bullets. He had doctors paperwork that considered him "legally" blind. That means that he had about 20% vision. Then we got to the induction center they ran him thru the tests then set him down in front of a typewriter and said "can you read this" and of course he said yes. They drafted him right there and made him a clerk, so we knew we were all screwed. Did my basic at Ft. Knox Ky. and my AIT training in Ft.Gordon Ga. with an MOS of an MP. When we were getting our orders on the last day of AIT the first couple of platoons all went to 'Nam, when it got to us they picked 1 or 2 for 'Nam and the rest of us went to Thailand.
    They had filled their quota. Just luck of the draw.

    From Aug.'69 to Feb.71 spent this time being an MP in the city of Bangkok Thailand. We stayed in a Govt.owned hotel, had the lil motorpool out back. We basically did every thing that police do today. We had break-ins, thefts, traffic accidents, bar fights, you name it we did it. One big priority was keeping the guys out of trouble that were there on R&R from Nam. And being that Thailand was under a King rule back then we could not carry a weapon unless it was a special occasion. I remember that when my time was almost up they offered a lot of money to "re-up" but being that I had not seen home in almost 2 years I turned my back on them and headed home as an Spec.4. Moving around the San Fran airport we ran into a lot of "demonstrators" that we had not heard about that spit on us and threw crap on us (called us babykillers) and we had orders not to touch. I get to Chicago airport in a blinding snowstorm, all the small flights are shut down. The only clothes I own at that point is "tropical weight" with no heavy coat and it was blowing a blizzard outside. I caught the last bus out of Chicago for South Bend Ind. and sat at the bus station waiting for a pickup. Still felt good to be home,,,
    Did 4 years inactive reserve after I got home with a 2 week stint (party) up in Ft McCoy Wis.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

  9. #9
    submarinepainter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnC4X4 View Post
    I was in the Navy as a Nuclear Electrician early 80's for 8 years

    Served on 637 and La class subs
    Plank owner of the 716 Salt Lake City
    Did a couple round the world cruises, including Barbeque top side going thru the Panama canal
    I was in the US ARMY from Feb. 1976 until November of 1985 and then served 4 years in the Reserves and 12 years in the Maine National Guard, I have been stationed in Germany twice , Ft Lewis , Ft Sill , Ft Gordon and Ft Benning
    I work at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Kittery Maine and was involved with decommissioning the Salt Lake City and remember the old 37 class subs ....God Bless America
    Old dogs care about you even when you make mistakes;
    God bless little children while they're still too young to hate

  10. #10
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    I was in the Army from 1974 to 1994, mostly in EOD. In 79-80 I was in Korea and we frequently found small dugouts covered with wood on our demolition range. The scrap pickers would hide in them while we were destroying stuff and when we left they would hustle out to beat the competition and grab the scrap. On one occasion the US Gov gave the ROK Army a bunch of C4 to destroy some bad 105mm projectiles. The ROK Army decided to keep the C4 and use dynamite to destroy the projectiles. All it did was scatter projectiles everywhere. We were called a couple weeks later to the village outside the range. The scrappers were using a hammer and chisel to pound the explosives out of the projectiles. They pounded one too many and the explosion killed 5 of them. We got called to the scene to figure out what happened. My first exposure to the scrapping world. Hard times for the village. Not only did they lose friends and relatives, but the village primarily made its living off of scrap and the safety people really made it hard for them to collect scrap off the range after that.

    I was deployed in Saudi, Iraq and Kuwait during the first gulf war. The Air Force made little (and sometimes big) piles of scrap all over the place. Sometimes I wish I could go back to those days knowing what I know now and scrap would be only a tiny part of the reason.


  11. #11
    Hypoman's Avatar
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    INARNG 09/04-03/12
    38th Mp Company
    38th ID Cyclone Division
    Medically retired as E5

    Wish I could've stayed longer......
    Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any. It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing.
    Thomas Jefferson

  12. #12
    brandon's Avatar
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    I am currently active duty Air Force, I joined right out of high school in 91 and will be retiring on 1 January 2013. July 91 basic training then tech school for automotive maintenance. Jan 92-Dec 93 Spangdahlem Germany, 18 years old and in a counrtry with no drinking age. Jan 94-Nov 96 Luke AFB Arizona. Nov 96-Nov 99 RAF Mildenhall, United Kingdom. Nov 99-Jul 04 McGuire AFB NJ. Jul 04-Jul 05 Kunsan AB South Korea. Jul 05-Current McGuire AFB NJ.
    Between the two times that I have been at McGuire I have deployed to the sand box six times. Dec 00-Mar 01 Al Jabber, Kuwait. Jul-Oct 02 PSAB Saudi Arabia. Mar-Jun 03 Al Udied Qatar. May-Sept 06 Baghdad Iraq. Jan-Sep 08 Taji Iraq. Jan-Sep 10 Convoys From Kuwait into and out of various bases in Iraq.
    My first deployment I was the down town parts guy, so I got to go into Kuwait City on almost a daily basis buying parts for the shop, also had the same job on the Qatar deployment. By far the best deployment was the convoys, that time I actually felt that I was doing something, the rest of them I was just fixing a$$ haulers so people didnt have to walk to the chow hall.
    To the Viet Nam VETS, I take my hat off to you.
    My fortune cookie said:
    You discover treasures where others see nothing unusual.

  13. #13
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    E1 us army 63bravo light wheel mechanic, served 1 year medical discharge no deployments.
    Geared to maintain
    Alvord iron and salvage
    3rd generation scrapper and dam proud of it

  14. #14
    ilovejunk's Avatar
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    2006-2010 US Navy as an AD (jet engine and fuel system mechanic), stationed with VFA-131 at NAS Oceana, deployed twice on board the USS Dwight D Eisenhower oct 2006-april 2007 and and feb-july 2009, and was stationed aboard the USS George Washington when it caught fire in 2008 during the south American transit in preparation of being forward deployed in japan (that was an exhausting few days)

    i chose to get out when my four years were up as an E-4, because the navy's "downsizing" would have required me to move to a different job classification for me to advance further, so i chose to leave and i am now in school pursuing a bachelors in Electrical Engineering.

  15. #15
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    I was in the USAF for 21 years, 8 months & 14 days as an aircraft crewchief. Worked the A-10 at DM, Osan and Pope and the U-2 at Beale and Osan. I popped chocks in 2008 while I could still get a capitalist's signature on my retirement certificate. Deployed to Saudi, Kuwait, and another place during the Kosovo campaign. While I was ready to punch when I retired, I have to admit I miss the level of camaraderie that can only be developed by GI's.

    It appears that there are quite a few vets on this forum. Oh, and to the guy who said he doesn't feel like a did your time, brother! Remember, it's what we do during peacetime that keeps us ready to go when things get testy.

  16. #16
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    Might be off topic but would like to give a special thanks to those wounded, missing or killed in action. God bless em all and god bless America

  17. #17
    TMoney's Avatar
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    US Army - 21B Combat Engineer, 10th MTN DIV. (1) tour each in Kosovo and Afghanistan.

    This is an Awesome idea - Thanks!

  18. #18
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    U.S. Coast Guard Aug. 1965 to Aug. 1969
    16 week Engineman School
    U.S.C.G. Cutter Mariposa , 180 Ft. Buoy Tender ( Engineroom /Boom Operator ) also 45 Ft. River Buoy Boat ( Engineer ) ( E-3 / E-4 )
    U.S. Coast Guard Group New London ( E-4 )
    95 Ft Cutter Cape Fairweather
    Boat Crew on 30 Ft. and 40 Ft. small boats assisting Fishers Island Sta. with Search and Rescue. also Emergency aid's to navigation repairs YEAR-ROUND like climbing the 35 ft. steel skeleton tower on Bartlett's Reef to change the bulbs in a Blizzard .
    U.S. Coast Guard Station Fishers Island ( E-4 & E-5 ) , This was when the station was manned year-round and We covered most of the Search and Rescue Duties on L.I. Sound in 30 Ft. and 40 Ft. Patrol Boats ( I was mostly on C.G. 40516 )
    Plum Island Light Station Li. Ny. ( E-5 ) Served as Officer in Charge , I was also in charge the Orient Point Light , and had to take a small boat out and check it 3 times a week .( and also check for Blues and Lobsters LOL )
    Discharged Aug. 21 1969 ( would of made E-6 as of Sept. 1 st. , but I wasn't too thrilled about being sent to the French Frigate Shoals Loran Station for
    TWO YEARS . if I had Shipped Over as I had just got married )
    The Exciting thing for Me right now , My Wife and Daughter gave Me a membership to the East End Seaport Museum in Greenport , Li. for My Birthday and last Fall We took the Ferry over and they got to see the Light and I got to see the Lens again set up inside the museum .
    The Museum has Invited Us on there yearly cruise for members only to visit and tour Plum Island and the Plum Island Light Station on Aug. 6 ( Almost 43 yrs. since I left the Island )
    Last edited by Bandit; 06-14-2012 at 12:27 AM.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by taterjuice View Post
    Might be off topic but would like to give a special thanks to those wounded, missing or killed in action. God bless em all and god bless America
    Off topic or not, it's perfect. Reminds me of the way we always set an extra place setting at our dinings-in for those who were unable to join us for the festivities. I agree on all counts, Taterjuice!

  20. #20
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    83- 2007 Retired A long deployment in Iraq --2005-2007

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