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  1. #1
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Questions for the fellow Junk Haulers on here

    I have a few questions, that I would like to get the input from the fellow junk haulers out there.

    1. When you give an estimate, do you physically go look at the stuff, or do you just ask for a general description and pictures?

    2. When you do give an estimate whether over the phone or in person, what do you base it off of?

    3. If you agree on a price, and more stuff gets added, how do you handle it? Meaning, do you tell them it will be more, do you just take it, do you warn them in advance, etc.

    4. What do you do, if your loading, and the client says they have more than agreed to, but they won't pay anymore. Do you finish the job you already agreed to, or cut the losses and leave?

    I am asking, because in the last few days, I have had a few experiences happen. Luckily, they have all worked themselves out, but still.

    Last 2 jobs I have done, I was told, I was moving a few and I mean a FEW items. I arrive, and it is a whole 1 to 2 trailers full of stuff. Luckily, both times, they offered to pay more.

    However, the people today, told me a few things...charged them $125. I arrive, and it is a whole trailer filled. Actually it would have been more, but they did a free yard sale, and a lot of it went to other people, so I was able to grab it all.

    Anyway, half way through loading, the lady asks me since "half" the stuff got taken, will the price be half now. I told her flat out no.

    I told her, that I told her husband, I would do 1 trailer for $125, and I told her, that the price should have been higher, because I was told a few things.

    So I finished, and was paid $125..

    Needless to say that I will probably be at a very small loss on this deal. Which I am okay with.

    Anyways, I am asking, because what I realized after today, is that I do put nothing in writing stating that if they give me more, the price will be more. I always do a verbal thing, which will never stand up in court.

    I was thinking having them download and sign a form or put a little disclaimer on my submission forms, that simply says that if they add more stuff than what is agreed to, the price will in crease.

    Basically trying to figure out the best way to do this, but right now, I am so tired, this whole thing probably doesn't make sense lol. If not, I will try to better explain in the AM.

    George Beale - Founder & President -
    VIP Recycling Junk Removal LLC - Premier Scrap Metal, Junk, & Electronic Recyclers!

  2. #2
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Over the years I have learned what it takes to make money hauling trash.....It all depends what type of material it is, how easy it is to acess the material and of course how much material there is......If you really don't need the job bid high......If you need the work bid low enough to get the job but still make money.....Any estimates over the phone that I give I always let the customer know that I can only give a rough estimate until I see the actual job.....I also let them know that any extra work or material than we originally discussed is extra.........You will become more comfortable giving estimates as time goes along.......I used to haul trash for a small profit margin just to get myself started but as you build your cash reserves you can pick and choose jobs and charge what you want when you really don't need work...........Anyways I hope this all helps

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  4. #3
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    Over the years I have learned what it takes to make money hauling trash.....It all depends what type of material it is, how easy it is to acess the material and of course how much material there is......If you really don't need the job bid high......If you need the work bid low enough to get the job but still make money.....Any estimates over the phone that I give I always let the customer know that I can only give a rough estimate until I see the actual job.....I also let them know that any extra work or material than we originally discussed is extra.........You will become more comfortable giving estimates as time goes along.......I used to haul trash for a small profit margin just to get myself started but as you build your cash reserves you can pick and choose jobs and charge what you want when you really don't need work...........Anyways I hope this all helps
    You sound just like me. This is how I bid on any job I do. Kind of material, location, how easily accessible it is, etc.

    What is funny, sometimes I put the bid out high like you said, and they take it, and then I am like "****, now I got to do the job" but then think of all the money I am making lol.

  5. #4
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    "I always do a verbal thing, which will never stand up in court."

    I got a cool gift in the mail today. An ematic 8GB touch screen mp3 video player. It came direct from the ebay seller, with invoice, 29.95. Has 3" touch screen, video recorder, digital camera, VOICE recorder, ebook reader, and fm radio. Smaller than a cell phone, fits in your pocket, and the part i especially liked was the voice recorder. Wish I'd had it Friday, when that Census taker stopped by (for the 7th time in the last 5 years ; )

  6. #5
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    An estimate is an estimate only..u can always raise the price once arriving..if they refuse your added cost you have lost a job though..hit or miss unless ur big

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  8. #6
    submarinepainter's Avatar
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    for clean outs I go there to give a price , I write a contract which you can pick up at any business supply company
    Old dogs care about you even when you make mistakes;
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  9. #7
    wayne's Avatar
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    In the UK a lot of people price it by the level trailer full and take the rough with the smooth. It could be cardboard one day, soil the next. Some people like a fixed fee, and when the trailer is full there is no arguing.
    I know lying is wrong, but if the elephant man came in now in a blouse with some make up on, and said, "How do I look?" Would you say, bearing in mind he's depressed and has respiratory problems, would you say, "Go and take that blusher off you mis-shapened elephant tranny?" No. You'd say, "You look nice... John""

  10. #8
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by submarinepainter View Post
    for clean outs I go there to give a price , I write a contract which you can pick up at any business supply company
    I would do, but with gas at $3.19/gallon right now, and I serve all of Northern Virginia, and some areas can take 1 hour or little over to get to, it isn't worth it for me to drive there with a 50/50 chance of them saying yes.

    Normally, they will send me pictures, etc but sometimes they stick to their guns about just giving me a general description.

    Yesterday, was the first time I have had a client try and negotiate me down on price as I am in the middle of loading. I told my wife, that it took all my will power not to tell the lady off and just leave.

    I feel good about doing the job I said I would do, and taking the money I was promised, but I told my wife, never again. I rather loose a few bucks before doing any work, then doing the work for peanuts.

    Live and learn.

  11. #9
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by submarinepainter View Post
    for clean outs I go there to give a price , I write a contract which you can pick up at any business supply company
    I have a few of those here. Business Supply Companies that is. I generally use Staples for things, but I dont believe I have seen contracts there as of yet.

    Generally they have invoice, receipts, employment, and a few other stuff.

    Just trying to come up with a way to have something on paper or them doing it via my website, so if it came to court or the police, I have more than a verbal thing.

    Although, I think in the long run, all it will come to is simply arriving, and if it is more, simply say that, and either have them agree, or disagree.

  12. #10
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    Looks like if you made the deal through photos and emails you would have some record of it there? Then have a contract ready for them to sign soon after you've arrived and accessed the situation?

  13. #11
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    not all done that way unfortunately.

    this particular one was done over the phone.

    as I told my wife, from now on I will take only what is agreed to. anything additonal will either be their issue to deal with or they will accept a higher price.

    however I am going to think of a way to incorporate a small fee in the event that they cancel once I arrive so I can cover gas at the most.

  14. #12
    BurlyGuys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post

    however I am going to think of a way to incorporate a small fee in the event that they cancel once I arrive so I can cover gas at the most.
    Yep. Good luck with that.
    Burly Smash![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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    5499 Perry Drive Unit P Waterford, MI 48329

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  16. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by BurlyGuys View Post
    Yep. Good luck with that.

    I suppose no matter how well you plan, or how prepared you may be, there will still be those people you'll wind up wishing you'd never met. Maybe best too to be prepared to let a lot roll off your shoulders, and just shrug it off, because those facts don't seem to be improving
    Last edited by Bear; 06-19-2012 at 03:28 PM.

  17. #14
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by BurlyGuys View Post
    Yep. Good luck with that.
    Never said, it was set in stone. I know the likely hood of that happening is like winning the lottery, so trust me, when I say, I wont hold my breathe!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post

    I suppose no matter how well you plan, or how prepared you may be, there will still be those people you'll wind up wishing you'd never met. Maybe best too to be prepared to let a lot roll off your shoulders, and just shrug it off, because those facts don't seem to be improving
    Always is, most times, but like the old saying goes "live and learn"

  18. #15
    submarinepainter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    I have a few of those here. Business Supply Companies that is. I generally use Staples for things, but I dont believe I have seen contracts there as of yet.

    Generally they have invoice, receipts, employment, and a few other stuff.

    Just trying to come up with a way to have something on paper or them doing it via my website, so if it came to court or the police, I have more than a verbal thing.

    Although, I think in the long run, all it will come to is simply arriving, and if it is more, simply say that, and either have them agree, or disagree.
    General Contractor Agreements - -

    this might help??

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  20. #16
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by submarinepainter View Post
    Thanks for the link. If I choose to go that route, it will cost less to pay the $10 for the firm, and just have my attorney look it over to make any necessary corrections, versus them doing the entire thing lol.

  21. #17
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    A few weeks ago I was called to clean out a house in Detroit. Told the guy I would be there in two hours.
    Arrived and someone else was loading up. I found the owner and asked him what was up.
    He told me I had told him I would call when I was on my way. I reiterated our conversation word for word,
    and let him know I had NEVER said that, I set an appointment time and showed up on time.
    I held out my hand and said gimme 50 bucks. You ordered a truck and you have cost me money.
    He just looked at me. And no, I did not get the 50 bucks.

  22. #18
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by BurlyGuys View Post
    A few weeks ago I was called to clean out a house in Detroit. Told the guy I would be there in two hours.
    Arrived and someone else was loading up. I found the owner and asked him what was up.
    He told me I had told him I would call when I was on my way. I reiterated our conversation word for word,
    and let him know I had NEVER said that, I set an appointment time and showed up on time.
    I held out my hand and said gimme 50 bucks. You ordered a truck and you have cost me money.
    He just looked at me. And no, I did not get the 50 bucks.
    he should have paid you something for gas atleast.

    I woud have also told him not to contact you again.

  23. #19
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    alao, guys and girls I have another question.

    When do you charge your clients? like when they are paying with a credit card?

    do you do it before or after? I do it after I have completed the job.

  24. #20
    Libertytow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    alao, guys and girls I have another question.

    When do you charge your clients? like when they are paying with a credit card?

    do you do it before or after? I do it after I have completed the job.
    After if your worried about getting burned and the credit card defaults. they just set themselves up for a theft of services charge a misdemeanor for anything under $1001 felony over $1000

    sir i feel you need to go to or staples and get propsoal sheets list reuqired work removal and in need be how and when it is to be completed once signed it is legally binding and treated like a contract. as far as estiamtes i either go by voulme or weight 1 yard $55 etc or 1 ton for XXX and so on and so on.

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