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The downsides of using Craigslist - Page 2

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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bamcis View Post
    Speaking of telemarketers, has anybody been getting the automated calls asking for your opinion for a political poll and offering a free cruise/vacation with a minimal booking fee after you answer? I've gotten several of those in the last couple months.

    By the way, I did manage to sell the dryer cord on Craigslist. This time, I managed to be polite when answering the phone...
    I was getting it Bamcis, until I finally listened to the end, thinking"i'm going to nail these rascals", but it finally said "press 9 to remove yourself from these calls", so.... I took the easy way out ; )

  2. #22
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    Always anonimize your email address and that way people will be responding to the cl address that will go directly to your email. I only put my cell # on the ads. Always state that "if responding by email please include a name and phone# or your inquiry will not be responded to". This way you can weed out the spam and phishing emails.
    I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.” John Wayne-- The Shootist


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  4. #23
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    I dont know about you, but I wouldnt use my telephone number on any website (craiglist, ebay etc etc) because there are web-crawling bots out there that search websites for telephone numbers & they sell them to telemarketers & anyone else who will buy them.

    If you MUST put your telephone number out there.... make it hard for bots to read them. SPell the numbers out. I refuse to put my phone number on any public website. On craiglist I have them respond via email & THEN give them my number if they want it.

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  6. #24
    Bamcis started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    I was getting it Bamcis, until I finally listened to the end, thinking"i'm going to nail these rascals", but it finally said "press 9 to remove yourself from these calls", so.... I took the easy way out ; )
    Yeah, I did that myself..... two times already.

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  8. #25
    Bamcis started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtymoney View Post
    I dont know about you, but I wouldnt use my telephone number on any website (craiglist, ebay etc etc) because there are web-crawling bots out there that search websites for telephone numbers & they sell them to telemarketers & anyone else who will buy them.

    If you MUST put your telephone number out there.... make it hard for bots to read them. SPell the numbers out. I refuse to put my phone number on any public website. On craiglist I have them respond via email & THEN give them my number if they want it.
    I use a mix of letters and numbers when doing mine on Craigslist. I also open it with a parenthesis and close it with a bracket, like this: (555-five five five-55five5]

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  10. #26
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    At my office I got a call from "online yellow pages" stating that they needed to update our current listing. I was new and when they read off the company name and address I confirmed that they were correct. They then spoke really quickly for the next question all I caught was "mumble mumble ...authorized...mumble?" I told them I wasn't authorized for anything at the company. Despite this they recorded my voice and placed it to different question and proceeded to send us a bill for a little over $1,000.00 along with a lawyer threat and other meaningless garbage to try and scare us. My boss (and step-mom) called their office and let them have it! Calling them on their breaches of legality and all sorts of things. Needless to say we didn't see another bill from them but they called 3 if not 4 times every month for the next 6-8months trying to get me again. I always knew it was them because I would answer "Performance Tile & Stone, this is Julie" and there was no response. After a second I would hear background noise and a "Hello?" with an echo (key sign of being recorded) They would say "hello this is so and so online yellow pages calling to...." and I hung up before they finished. It was rather annoying after awhile.

  11. #27
    BurlyGuys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtymoney View Post
    I dont know about you, but I wouldnt use my telephone number on any website (craiglist, ebay etc etc) because there are web-crawling bots out there that search websites for telephone numbers & they sell them to telemarketers & anyone else who will buy them.

    If you MUST put your telephone number out there.... make it hard for bots to read them. SPell the numbers out. I refuse to put my phone number on any public website. On craiglist I have them respond via email & THEN give them my number if they want it.
    The problem with making phone numbers hard to read for bots is you make them hard for people to read too! If a customer gets to a spelled out phone number they are pretty unlikely to call.
    Burly Smash![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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  12. #28
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    You can get pay as you go phones for $20 or less and use it just for sales. What I don't like about craigslist is there are tons of people pushing junk at 3x what they sell on ebay. Anytime you post something for sale you get nut jobs bugging you thinking you are broke and desperate for cash along with the long distance scammers.

    I think I found like 3 decent deals on craigslist in the past 5 years, most times you reply to a post and don't even hear back.

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  14. #29
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Finding the perfect woman only to find she lives three provinces away from you, this story may have a happy ending yet.

    Good thing I'm uisng voip telephone service and that I can talk for hours on the cheap.

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  16. #30
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    Go git em! Gus ; )

  17. #31
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    This is what I do.

    Google "black screen", save it, upload to photobucket, then edit, choose font/color.

    Then choose "HTML" for use on CL.

    Will it fool spammers/scammers? I don't know, but so far it seems to have slowed them down.

  18. The Following 3 Users say Thank You for This Post by IdahoScrapper:

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