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Metal thieves

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  1. #1
    heeroyue2002 started this thread.
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Metal thieves

    They are getting quite daring around where i live. Ive had many items stolen from
    Me. Theres also a guy that lives not too farm from my farm that always tries taking
    My stuff. This summer i had left to work at 6am and maybe 10 mins after he pulled up and my sister came
    Out and saw him and his buddies trying to pick up some of my engine blocks
    And trans into their pick up. When she yelled at them they replied " you dont need this junk"
    She started calling the pd and they left. Pd has been called a
    Couple times and they have to catch them in the act to
    Do something. All they can get them for is traspassing unless cAught in act and with overcrowed cali jails they are usually out in minutes.

    Also had some guys trying to raid my house i had move out of. They even tried cutting cat off my van. Multiple neighbors saw them and id them as it was 1pm and police did nothing since they werent caught in act by them.

    Well anways heres some news clippings. Im on a cell forgive typos.

    Metal thieves shoot at Madera County farmer during theft
    The Fresno Bee
    Thursday, May. 17, 2012 | 06:46 PM
    * E-MAIL *PRINT TEXT SIZE: * * * **
    Two men are wanted in Madera County after shooting at a farmer during a metal theft Wednesday, Madera County Sheriff's Department spokeswoman Erica Stuart said.
    Officers were dispatched to Avenue 9 and Road 33 on a report that the men attempted to steal five metal pipes, worth about $500. One shot at the farmer when he interrupted the theft.
    The men fled in a silver pickup with Texas license plates. Both men are described as Caucasian and in their late 20s. One has blond hair and is about 5 foot 5, the other is described as very tan with black hair.
    Anyone with information can call the Madera County Sheriff's Department at (559) 674-7770.

    Read more here: Metal thieves shoot at Madera County farmer during theft - Updates -

    Man Shot In Head After Home Burglary, Deputies Say

    Posted: Jun 19, 2012 9:31 AM PDT
    Updated: Jun 19, 2012 4:01 PM PDT
    By KMPH Web Staff - email

    FRESNO COUNTY, Calif. (KMPH) -
    Fresno County Sheriff's Deputies say a 38-year-old man was shot in the head after a home burglary near Selma.

    It happened around 8:30 a.m. Tuesday in the area of Dinuba and Temperance avenues.

    Deputies say the owners of the vacant property showed up and found the home had been burglarized. As they checked the property, a man and a woman in a pickup truck pulled up the driveway and asked if they had any scrap items. The owners told them to leave.

    According to the sheriff's office, as the man turned the truck around and started down the driveway, one of the property owners feared he was going to be hit by the truck so he pulled out a gun and shot at the pickup.

    One of the rounds hit the driver in the head, causing him to crash the truck in a vineyard across the street, deputies said.

    Both the man and woman ran to a nearby home and called for help, while the property owners called the sheriff's office.

    The man who was shot was flown to Community Regional Medical Center. It's not known how he is doing, but investigators say he is expected to survive.

    Accused Burglar Shot Near Selma

    Posted: Jun 20, 2012 4:49 PM PDT
    By KMPH Web Staff - email

    Emilio Castaneda
    Man Shot In Head After Home Burglary, Deputies Say
    FRESNO COUNTY, Calif. (KMPH) -
    Fresno County Sheriff's Deputies say a man accused of burglarizing a vacant home near Selma was shot by one of the property owners.

    It happened around 8:30 a.m. Tuesday near Dinuba and Temperance avenues.

    Detectives say evidence found at the scene tied 38-year-old Emilio Castaneda to the crime.

    Investigators say Castaneda returned after the burglary in a truck -- accompanied by a woman -- and asked the homeowners if they had any scrap metal. The owners -- who had just arrived to check on the property -- told them to leave.

    As Castaneda turned the truck around and started down the driveway, one of the owners feared he was going to be hit by the truck so he pulled out a gun and shot at the pickup, the sheriff's office said.

    One of the rounds hit Castaneda. He was taken to the hospital but is expected to survive.

    Detectives say they found some of the stolen property at Castaneda's home in Selma during a probation search.

    Castaneda faces charges of residential burglary and stolen property. Investigators say charges may be pending against the woman who was in the truck at the time of the shooting.

  2. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Good lord of all over a little bit of scrap, that's stupid. Hopefully with the prices of iron tanking these criminals would go back to robbing liquor stores
    Alvord iron and salvage
    3rd generation scrapper and dam proud of it

  3. #3
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Wow, man I feel bad for you. It's reading posts like this that make me happy I live in the area I do...nobody touches my metal, my basement and garage doors are both unlocked, and i've left my vehicles unlocked with the windows down over night and never had anything go missing...I know one day my luck will run out...I just don't live in a bad area yet...

  4. #4
    arnofarrell's Avatar
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    I am glad to that I live in a place that rarely ever has crime. Out here we always leave our doors unlocked and never have a problem. I used to live south of minnepolis and we would never leave anything unlocked. Its funny, I went up to my mother in laws place in spring and my wife and I had forgotten to lock the truck and I remember that we hadn't and
    i figured it would be ok but that night our gps, 2 packs of cigs and the meds I take for epilepsy were stolen. I guess it shows you can't trust anyone or that I have lived in the country to long? I am not sure which.

  5. #5
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    seems like they disgrace the good name of scrapping

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