Can't wait for this heat wave to subside, 102 today and no relief in sight. Farmers gona be lacking in crops less it rains here soon.
Can't wait for this heat wave to subside, 102 today and no relief in sight. Farmers gona be lacking in crops less it rains here soon.
Alvord iron and salvage
3rd generation scrapper and dam proud of it
Ha 103 in Saint Louis, MO today so I got you beat. I torched in it all day long just got home a few mins ago. I must have drank four gallons of water. I am loving it. I bet its 200 plus degrees in the burning field to. Wish I owned a heat gun to shoot with it. There is nothing like separating the men from the boys on a hot day. Either I am to stupid to notice the heat or I just love money I can't figure out which one.
It's quite terrible today in the Midwest, that's for sure.
Not to go into fear mongering, but I came across the commodities futures charts for Septemeber last night, and Corn, Soybeans, and Wheat have skyrocketed due to this unprecedented drought. Since about 90% of what we consume (food and common products) contains one or more of the above, it would be wise to start stocking up right about now.
You think food prices are high now? (which they are) - just wait! Could be some real scary stuff, potentially.
Anyway, back to the A/C, where all of us in the Midwest belong right now!
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It is hot. 97 right now here in eastern Iowa. Was supposed to rain but it doesn't look like it will. According to the radar it is just missing us to the north.
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It's been in the 100's for a couple weeks straight here in Oklahoma. Rain has been slim as well. Looks like a repeat of last summer. Could be a reflection of how warm the winter was this year.
Hit 108 two times in Boise so far this year. Though I think they recorded that temp at the airport so I don't know how reliable that is compared to the rest of Boise. Was 100+ for a solid week though.
Stay safe. Stay hydrated folks.
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Yeall come on down to Florida it's been in the 80's and rainning all week.
I don't mind the heat, played out Midwest all last summer. It is rough but this rain just kills me, I will take a dry 100 over rain here. Just tired of watching the rain personally
I vote for rain in the Midwest.
I 2nd that vote for rain
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The trick is to line up all the cows facing west. Feed high gas producing feed to said cows and wait 3 days. If nothing else it be funny as hell to watch people down wind.
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I don't mind the heat, most of the time this time of year it's 95 and about 80% humidity. I hate the cold and snow, at least we don't have to shovel rain.
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It is very bad out here in iowa. Our lawns are burnt brown and our corn is starting to develope kernels. If this heat and no rain keeps up the crops will be extremely bad for the country. Prices of alot of things will go up.
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It's been so hot I'm contemplating scrapping printers that I normally pass up on to help cover my power bill. My air conditioner in my house doesn't stop blowing until mid night, my power bill is through the roof. also my stock pile outside is growing cause my fat butt can't bring myself to work out there. If it rained half as much as I sweated there'd be no drought.
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Scrappers returning water to the earth 1 printer at a time
Been so dry I'm thinking only mowed my lawn 5 or 6 times this year, hell been so dry not even dandelions are growing
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