After accumulating a number of items felt to be worthwhile to list for possible "better than scrap" sales, I've found myself more and more using the free services of Craigslist as they are convenient, free, and easy.
I've just had to remind myself, and I think others will find this helpful as well, to avoid the pitfalls of being placed onto their automated blacklist, because it can be very difficult to return to business as usual afterwards.
Their TOS specifies no more than one ad every 48 hours ( just realized I'd placed 3 since yesterday, hence this thread, not only as a reminder to myself, but a possibly helpful warning to others also) People get by sometimes with listing more often, some by the dozens, and sometimes get by with it. You'll find the CL Help column full of the ones who didn't get by with it, being cussed out for being stupid, naive, or even for having made a quite innocent mistake. CL is VERY unforgiving, both in their automated user removals(which they don't even acknowledge with an email) and in their "help" rooms. The only ones with phone help available are those who paid for services. People go there asking why they got banned for doing the same thing everyone else was doing and get told "everyone else hasn't got caught, yet".
Also, I once found out the hard way, be careful when testing your ads email link, simply sending yourself a question to see if it's going through can be seen by their automated policing system as "spamming", not sure why, but only after very much and very extensive research did I find this out for myself. Whats more is they won't even tell you in any way what happened or why.The only way I'll ever attempt to test another listings links is from another computer on another ISP from another location.
Once you, your computer(I.P. addy), or your email has been blacklisted by their automated system, as far as I know, about the only to recover is NOT opening another CL page of any sort for more than 90 days, giving your whole account time to be closed and purged from their system. Then opening another totally different account, using a totally different email, and Do Not Use anything from your previous account which can possibly be connected to your new one!
Happy Saleing