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  1. #21
    scrappy888 started this thread.
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    This is a great thread!..i had a feeling there would be a cop or 2 on here .Thirsty, i just want to make it clear that i dont dis respect your profession..i know there are many great cops out there..ive met quite a few through the DARE program when i was younger n when i myself needed assistance..

    the problem i have is those who are judgemental and abuse their powers..i come from a more conservative family..also one that likes to handle their own when a junkie comes up to me , rips my necklace off my neck n kicks me, id like to consider that there is a right i have to defend myself..granted i am 6'3 280 n the kid was roughly a buck fifty doesnt matter..i was labeled a weapon, even after the kid drove over my leg once my buddies broke it up..

    Guess who got charged n guess who is serving our country now..i was just about to enlist with an ASVAB(or whatever it is) score of 90..just sayin kinda screwed me big time due to some ahole cops who wouldnt listen.. i dont even want to get goin ob the court system cuz i just dont have time for that..i just wish i grew up in my dads era where fights were allowed n u didnt become a felon for throwing 1 punch..

    obviously my 50 cent piece..again just wish the cops werent so judgemental..cops dont look at us honest scrappers in a good way PERIOD
    Last edited by scrappy888; 08-02-2012 at 02:09 AM.

  2. #22
    DropYoTop's Avatar
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    shoot at least you know to yourself you did right.but did you do it just because he was a dealer?
    Quote Originally Posted by scrappy888 View Post
    Ok so i decided to start this from a recent thread reguarding an undeserved ticket..i for one think cops have better things to worry about than worrying about writing a ticket to Burly for not knowing the ciry ordinances..

    With that being said, im not alowed to vote this election (not like i would) due to some consequences...yes, i kicked the $*** out of a drug dealer, who happened to be dating my sister..ok.

    I strongly believe police are better off spending their time tracking career criminals..those who commit rape and sell drugs should be more sought after than civialians that jwalk n speed..yes in my town there are more cops looking for jwalkers than there are cops chasing the crack dealers n drunk drivers..
    Also stop creeping up on us scrappers as we are out on our runs as crackhead scrubs..

    i have great respect for this country as i come from a family w a military background, but POLICE get real..

    Any comments welcome..lets roll w this

  3. #23
    scrappy888 started this thread.
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    Im over protective plus he started it lol..if i was hanging out with any1 on here, id have your back..just who i not complaining at all.. ive got a good life with a great family.. i work hard n do what i have to..its all good

  4. #24
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    Just read that and man f*** em you dint sell out,and were defending your self. some one else will get him for sure if hes a dealer,you were a victim, and sooner or later hes going to be a victim to but in the morgue. i love this country But not my government!
    Quote Originally Posted by scrappy888 View Post
    This is a great thread!..i had a feeling there would be a cop or 2 on here .Thirsty, i just want to make it clear that i dont dis respect your profession..i know there are many great cops out there..ive met quite a few through the DARE program when i was younger n when i myself needed assistance..

    the problem i have is those who are judgemental and abuse their powers..i come from a more conservative family..also one that likes to handle their own when a junkie comes up to me , rips my necklace off my neck n kicks me, id like to consider that there is a right i have to defend myself..granted i am 6'3 280 n the kid was roughly a buck fifty doesnt matter..i was labeled a weapon, even after the kid drove over my leg once my buddies broke it up..

    Guess who got charged n guess who is serving our country now..i was just about to enlist with an ASVAB(or whatever it is) score of 90..just sayin kinda screwed me big time due to some ahole cops who wouldnt listen.. i dont even want to get goin ob the court system cuz i just dont have time for that..i just wish i grew up in my dads era where fights were allowed n u didnt become a felon for throwing 1 punch..

    obviously my 50 cent piece..again just wish the cops werent so judgemental..cops dont look at us honest scrappers in a good way PERIOD

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  6. #25
    scrappy888 started this thread.
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    Sad part is the kid is in they army now...when hes back hes shootin up..also know 2 marines that when they r back home they r shootin up 2.. lemmie tell ya drugs are bad..know a guy that got dishonerably discharged for the stuff..

    i love our military..not our government..fact is there are issues everywhere..

    Stay straight scrappers..n always double check your thirsty said, if i could take it back, i would due to the harsh consequences these n learn has been a life lesson, but im still happy as hell

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  8. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by thirsty View Post
    Insanity, I literally just typed out a response that took me about 30 minutes. I actually ignored my 3 year old son's request to watch a show with him. I just deleted it, intentionally. I did that because I can type all day and we can still find ways to disagree. You dislike cops for some reason and googled a few things to find all the tragedies that occurred. I dont know what to tell you bro. Next time, google some of the good things that the 99.9 percent of good cops do on a daily basis. I did "sign up?" for my job 17 years ago and I love it more today than I did yesterday. I never complained once. I suggest you take the next test available, go through the academy strap on a uniform again and save the world your way. We might be hiring soon, if you want to PM me your details, perhaps I can interest you in a career where you can make a difference your way. I would also be glad to set you up with some of our fine young men and women and maybe you can do a ride along or two. I got just the guy for you. He's 23 years old and got shot twice through a closed door by a gun toting parolee who was holding his 2 year old son at knife point. He came back to work 4 months later to the job he signed up for and has not skipped a beat. Let me know buddy. By the way, you havent told me what you do for a living. Just curious.
    My apologies, I missed this post.

    Where did I say I dislike cops? I'm just giving you an honest opinion from someone on the outside looking in, I've noted that this isn't all cops.

    It's not that I don't think cops don't do anything good. I know they do, it's just that there's a group out there that seem to let the power go to their head. Much like the people in the military, you have your good, and you have your bad... the problem is the bad ones gain the most recognition simply because "If it don't bleed, it don't lead". Those ones that let the power go to their head and abuse their positions, don't seem to get punished unless it makes widespread news.

    I posted a couple articles to give you examples of what I'm talking about, not sure how that's googling for the bad things. If we were talking about the good things cops do, then I'd post up articles of the good things cops do.... but we're not.

    You found a job you like, that's great, more power to ya. I enjoyed my time in the military, but decided to get out when I found we were fighting with essentially 1 hand tied behind our back, and my commander didn't want an "international incident" because we found evidence of a major ambush where we had stopped at for the night, and we wanted to go stop it before it started.

    Right now I'm a CAD Operator, in school for Electronics engineering... after my time in the military I decided I didn't want to be in that position again, with politicians playing games with my life. Not with the role politics seems to be playing in our everyday lives now.

    In the end, if I offended you, I'm sorry... but I'm just being honest. If you can't look at those two examples I posted, and see where I'm coming from... then I don't know what to tell you. There's plenty more examples out there, the mentality seems to be spreading, and that's the part I'm worried about.

    I can at least say I've been on that side, the one where you have to worry about whether that person wants to kill you or not, or if that person has a bomb strapped to their chest... I know that feeling, and yes... it does suck, but we still had to wait till a true threat was shown, and we couldn't just do as we pleased (Like some, not all, officers seem to do)... and this is in a place where that threat is a bomb exploding in your face, or under your vehicle.

  9. #27
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    BTW, the same cop that gave me crap when I was 12, well I ran into him in my apartment building years later....coming down the stairs from the hookers apartment above mine!

    Insanity, just curious about what CAD program you are learning; Pro E for mechanical or Cadence for electrical?

  10. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by JPete View Post
    BTW, the same cop that gave me crap when I was 12, well I ran into him in my apartment building years later....coming down the stairs from the hookers apartment above mine!

    Insanity, just curious about what CAD program you are learning; Pro E for mechanical or Cadence for electrical?
    I was raised on auto-cad throughout high school and college, then my work got me into Microstation. I may have to look into Cadence though if it's for electrical...

  11. #29
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    i have to say i live in a college town so people picking is quit the normal thing here so i dont get pulled over for that i get pulled over for something bogus while i am hunting for cans not like ripping open bags or taking from green bin type most are left for us to pick up were i live. they usually just pull me over every 5-6 weeks or sometimes more for general excuses just on the off chance i am drunk or worse i guess and now they know my car enough its more like a game for them to do so. whats funny is now that i have something actually wrong with my car which my muffler is broke and loud it has been like bug spray i guess but more to the point really. cops in general can do what they want to unless you have video or good money to sue i do not myself because i do not want it to get worse and get beat up or something next time more affraid since i have my mom with me and we have some fun family time until they pull us over anyway i can not say or do much cause they just always let me go. my mom has a pace maker and has very hard time breathing when she is worked up so i cant do much cause if they pull her to hard or worse beat her cause she will talk back if pushed i dont want her to die so my advice for you is do want they want pay tickets smile be nice and take it cause they are the law and make them as they go to suit there needs not all but alot do anyway there are nice cops out there so find them and get them on your side thats what i do and just go along with the rest cause it can always get worse

  12. #30
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    I feel sorry for the police in my town. The druggies are in and out of the jail and the courts like a revolving door and it doesn't seem to ever change. I think I would be bitter if I worked hard to catch a dealer and he/she only did five months. Meanwhile drug deaths are climbing around here. It has to be frustrating.
    Success consists of going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm...... Churchill

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  14. #31
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    I just read Travis' post three times. I now have a migraine that would kill a small village.
    I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.” John Wayne-- The Shootist


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  16. #32
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    we only have county cops that may or may not come through on any given day. All seem fairly friendly and have never given us any trouble. Even when we run our trailers with no lights or plates. Sometimes they will stop and chit chat if we are outside but i imagine their bored off their ass as well.

  17. #33
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    A police officer was asked one time what it was like being a cop. He response was " 8 hrs of boredom that can be turn into terror in a matter of a heartbeat".

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  19. #34
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    I'm hearing the pros and cons of having police around and the simple solution I'd just cover your rear and do things legit. If you need a scrappers permit get one. It will not only show that you can legal scrap but it also shows a level of professionalism. If your getting pulled over for being overweight get a trailer or do a second run. Would you rather have a couple of extra bucks and risk something flying off and hurting someone? Yes I have been pulled over or approached by cops while scrapping. I explain what I'm doing and after a license and registration check they send me on my way. I'm sure that if I was a crackheads it would show up. Police deal with the scum that gives us a bad name. They believe it or not actually help us honest scrappers out.

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  21. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by RSComputer View Post
    If you need a scrappers permit get one.
    If that was only possible. The city has created a single, exclusive license to remove recyclable material from the curb and *given* it to the trash collecting company.

  22. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by thirsty View Post
    A police officer cannot stop and frisk a person merely on a hunch alone. Probable cause needs to be established to search a person, otherwise you just violated a constitutional right that we all possess. The right to be protected from unreasonable searches and seizure.
    I am very glad that you recognize this right we have. Let me tell you about some stuff that's happened to me personally with less ethical LEOs.
    1. I've been walking next to the interstate, on the far side of the guardrail, and have been detained, forcibly frisked and had my pockets turned inside out and everything I had torn apart, the one officer claimed that, because I was committing the crime of walking on the interstate, he had probable cause.

    2. I've been forcibly searched for hitchhiking under the same pretense on different occasions.

    3. I was hunted down in the middle of the night at my camp by a small-town police chief and his men, all in complete head-to-toe camo, because I had "mouthed off" to them earlier in the day. Four (yes, four) cops came out with their assault rifles and put tracer dots on my chest, slammed me to the ground and piled on top of me even though I was already on the ground, swore at me, made me feel threatened for my life (yes, really, it would have been easy to cover up shooting and killing me as self-defense).
    I'm sorry, mouthing off is not a crime.
    This is where one of my main issues with your brethren comes up. Cops are human beings and many bring their personal vendettas into their work. Many are unable to separate their personal issues with a citizen or citizens from the duties of their job.

    There are most definitely and certainly "bad cops" out there. Just like there are "bad scrappers", and they ruin it for us all.

    I have a long list list of unethical, illegal, and aggressive actions I've had cops pull on me, but I don't have time to type them all up now.
    Almost being shot by 4 members of a certain group, when you were completely and totally minding your own business, minding your own camp way off in the woods, is enough to turn someone into a hater. Incidents like that with black men have turned otherwise intelligent white friends of mine into racists.

    Quote Originally Posted by thirsty View Post
    I have grown very thick skin over the past 17 years, trust me.
    I suppose you were just feeling a little sensitive and underappreciated when you wrote this? Because not only was this on the internet and not real life, but no-one even insulted you personally.

    PS- You spelled "absurd" wrong. it's not "obsured"
    Last edited by murt; 01-23-2013 at 09:20 PM.

  23. #37
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    So was this a city ordinance for scrapping? I didn't know towns put ordinances on such a thing. What types of ordinances are in your towns?

  24. #38
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    And murt, what we just read was only one side of the story.

    grain of salt;

    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

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  26. #39
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    A police officer once said, that people always rhetorically ask him, "Don't the cops have anything better to do?" and responds by saying, "Yes, and we would be out doing it if everyone else would just obey the law.

  27. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by tedanderson View Post
    A police officer once said, that people always rhetorically ask him, "Don't the cops have anything better to do?" and responds by saying, "Yes, and we would be out doing it if everyone else would just obey the law.
    Which begs the question... How many laws are there?

    In January 2012, around 40,000 laws went into effect country wide.

    In 2013, California alone enacted more than 750 new laws. Sales taxes go up, long guns are barred in public - Timelines - Los Angeles Times

    How many of them have you read and understood? How about the cops? Anyone?

    Some laws are obvious, some not so much, and some just plain shouldn't exist... it's easy to say "Just obey the law", it's hard to do that when you don't know what the laws are.

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