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started to get sick...

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  1. #1
    dkorunka started this thread.
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    started to get sick...

    Just left scrap yard and saw someone had 12 computer towers (visibly obvious had not been taken apart) with his shred . I asked the yard if they were willing to sell and they said no. I wanted those towers.

  2. #2
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Go back again and ask the owner. If they are only going to send them as is with there steel, you may be able to get them. Then again you may give him the Ewaste idea and he can go from there!

  3. #3
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    It could also be a liability issue if they're not shredded and get into the wrong hands

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  5. #4
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    One of the yards here near me does that. Pays shred price for them. Actually they pay less then shred now that I think about I visited this yard to see if they had changed from shady to non-shady..(they haven't) asked what they pay for Computers an I think it was .05 a lb. The only good thing I can say about this yard is they do sell them to someone else who is into ewaste. Shame I refuse to deal with shady yards I'm sure I could outbid the guy.

    Sirscrapalot - Doesn't deal with shady yards or people.

  6. #5
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    Yes, dealing with shady people is a waste of time and perhaps a waste of money. Even if this shady person is doing decent business with you, they may still be ripping off someone else, which is just another reason to avoid shady business people.

    theelectronrecycler agrees with sirscrapalot in this area. lol.

  7. #6
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    It could also be a liability issue if they're not shredded and get into the wrong hands
    Thats true

  8. #7
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    You can avoid the liability issue if you do a DoD certified wipe on any drives. (Not hard to do. Google it & you see!) And, be absolutely sure to completely remove any identifying marks (stickers, etc) from any previous owner. Lastly, unless you are very familiar with rebuilding computers, I don't recommend selling them as a whole unit, working or not. Previous owners can sometimes still be identified. Quite frankly, for every 100 computers I get my hands on, I typically only get about 5 or 6 that are really worth the time it takes to rebuild them and worry about a dissatisfied customer. Warranty is a Bit..., uh, well, a Bit of a problem! (Did I get out of that OK?) Carefully dismantle the computer and sell any parts that still have value individually. Personally, I deal strictly with eBay and Craigslist. Although there are now several online selling sites that are really beginning to give eBay a run for its money! Any parts that do not sell online are sold to a reputable ewaste recycler and/or a reputable scrap yard. I still collect towers from the trash occasionally as a small source of product for my business. Scavenging on trash day is where I got started years ago and, well, just can't seem to give it up! What's the old saying? One man's trash.......

    Good luck!

  9. #8
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    Firebird, I have to agree, on trash days, I just have to look into at least one trash can, even when I'm driving to work in the morning, I just can't help it!!! I would prefer to not do business with anyone shady just because of the implication of impropriety by association. I could be doing perfectly legitimate business, but the association with them change the perception of me, not worth it. Sorry for budding in.
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