Just moved in today got to still set everything up peg board ect. I moved from a apt to a 3 bdrm house with a garage/basement.
Just moved in today got to still set everything up peg board ect. I moved from a apt to a 3 bdrm house with a garage/basement.
woohoo thats alot of space. But them boxes are going to get heavy luggin them up from the basement
Mostly everything went through the from door just pulled up in the yard. I can't wait to get some scrap haven't been taring stuff apart to maximize now I get to and hoard stuff to this basement is all mine!
Install an elevator..make things much easier on ya..
Congrats on the new house!!!
Thanks I'm only renting for now. Get this I was paying 500 a month for a 700 sq ft apt and I'm paying 600 for a 3 bdrm garage and basement I think that's a great deal
sounds like an awesome deal to me. Gratz on the new place.
Sweet deal. Kudos!
George Beale - Founder & President - info@viprecyclingjunkremoval.com
VIP Recycling Junk Removal LLC - Premier Scrap Metal, Junk, & Electronic Recyclers!
Beer fridge between the work bench and the shelving unit! LOL
Ya I just put the two work benches next to each other and left that shelf there. I got some rolling been and Gaylord boxes to put in there.
offer up casual accommodation in one of the bedrooms to tourists and make the rent back?
Looks sweet, hopefully you get it filled up soon
Alvord iron and salvage
3rd generation scrapper and dam proud of it
Nice job. It will be nice for you to have real work space.
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