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What did you do this weekend?

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  1. #1
    KrazyJ is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
    KrazyJ started this thread.
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    What did you do this weekend?

    What a weekend! I think the best way to put it is we had a scrap fest. PartTimeScrapper and RecycleThis came over to my place in Nebraska and we worked up a load of EScrap. It was a Hoot!

    These guys are top notch and the whole thing was a lot of fun. I look forward to more joint ventures with these guys.

    Things I learned and observed from the weekend.

    1. All scrappers share a love of tearing stuff apart.
    2. Both PartTimeScrapper and RecycleThis HATE straight slot screws
    3. Both PartTimeScrapper and RecycleThis LOVE dogs.
    4. Gaylords are meant to be loaded 3 times
    5. It is more fun to look for that last 94 lbs of Low grade Telcom at Night with a flashlight.
    6. RecycleThis Lives for a Continental Breakfast but loves a greasy spoon even more.
    7 Both are Great Guys and welcome at my place anytime

    Best Quote from the weekend: "This place looks like an ADHD playground"
    Second best Quote: "You have a Crane! of course you do why wouldn't you"

    Thanks Guys like I said what a Hoot

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