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Metal thieves caught!!

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  1. #1
    Pnutfarmer started this thread.
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    Metal thieves caught!!

    I just wanted to share my latest catch. I went to my local yard Friday and saw some familiar items. I told them to hold on to them while I checked my shed and sure enough, I was missing some stuff. I took pictures of everything that was left and went back to the yard to show them. That way, they could tell if more of my stuff hit the yard. They gave me the ID of the seller and I signed a warrant Monday morning. Well, they showed up again and the yard owner called the cops and me. We got em, got my Dodge rear end back, impounded their truck and the farm equipment it was towing. Still searching for the owner of that one. It's good to have honest people at the yard who try to keep this business from having a bad name.

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  3. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pnutfarmer View Post
    I just wanted to share my latest catch. I went to my local yard Friday and saw some familiar items. I told them to hold on to them while I checked my shed and sure enough, I was missing some stuff. I took pictures of everything that was left and went back to the yard to show them. That way, they could tell if more of my stuff hit the yard. They gave me the ID of the seller and I signed a warrant Monday morning. Well, they showed up again and the yard owner called the cops and me. We got em, got my Dodge rear end back, impounded their truck and the farm equipment it was towing. Still searching for the owner of that one. It's good to have honest people at the yard who try to keep this business from having a bad name.
    Man I hate it that you lost your rear-end,,lol
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

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  5. #3
    Pnutfarmer started this thread.
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    Yeah, I didn't even think of that one lol. I did get the rear end back, but I left the other stuff to the yard. They really try to help me out and I don't want to hurt them by confiscating everything. We usually come to an easy agreement on what I'll take back and what I'll leave to them. I know they are supposed to get restitution payments if there is a conviction, but have you ever held your breath that long?

    Oh, on the second trip a local teenaged friend of my son saw the truck, called me and told me a suspicious truck was leaving my property. I had to keep him updated on the story and really thank him for that.

  6. #4
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pnutfarmer View Post
    I just wanted to share my latest catch. I went to my local yard Friday and saw some familiar items. I told them to hold on to them while I checked my shed and sure enough, I was missing some stuff. I took pictures of everything that was left and went back to the yard to show them. That way, they could tell if more of my stuff hit the yard. They gave me the ID of the seller and I signed a warrant Monday morning. Well, they showed up again and the yard owner called the cops and me. We got em, got my Dodge rear end back, impounded their truck and the farm equipment it was towing. Still searching for the owner of that one. It's good to have honest people at the yard who try to keep this business from having a bad name.
    Happy to hear that your yard was cool about everything.

    Good job sticking it to the dishonest guys!
    George Beale - Founder & President -
    VIP Recycling Junk Removal LLC - Premier Scrap Metal, Junk, & Electronic Recyclers!

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