old air compressor tanks are dangerous and best turned in for scrap.
over time any condensation that has sat at the bottom of the tank has started to rust out the shell.
tanks that get put back into service after sitting idle for years = a ticking timebomb.
in jersey air compressors are now regulated by the state boiler and pressure vessel division and are inspected on a yearly basis.
the inspection on older tanks involves both internal scoping as well as sanding down the lowest point to bare metal and checking thickness in several places with an ultrasonic type unit.
below is a link to some images of what can happen when a compressor tank lets loose under pressure
air compressor explosion - Google Search
an old tank can blow at any time without warning. best case senario is that it devlopes a hissing slow leak as a warning.
worst case is if it blows when you plug it in to test it.
i personally have sent 3 compressor tanks to the scrap yard after cutting a large hole in each tank.
work safe out there.