Showing an increase, and being an outright scoundrel are two different things. When the sky began falling all around us in 2007, the big corporations(which the OP here was addressing, as was I) that caused it (while raking in record profits, and robbing the masses) went crying to the government to bail them out, and the very next week they were sitting in a $1000 an hour spa for a week, at "company...uhmmm...taxpayer" expense, and the following month were granting themselves record (M-M-Megamillion dollar) bonuses.
You are certainly correct in stating an increase to be a business requirement, but doing it with sweat and blood is all too uncommon these days, on any level, most especially in big business. And if you must bring it on down the line, I've certainly seen people on here brag about things I'd never wish to consider doing to someone, but then, on the other hand I've also seen acts of outright generosity on a level that you'll never see in a large company.
Yes, we're on a greedy planet, and one day when space travel has became the norm, an old dirty sign will point to a distant hunk of molten muck, and read, "the greedy planet" ; )

Originally Posted by
I'm not sticking up for big business in general, but honestly most people in any sector of the working world find ways to increase profits. Heck, the main point of THIS forum is to do exactly that. And there is a large (in my opinion) percentage of people on here that do things daily that would fit in that category. For instance, how many people here separate ALL of their plastic from metal before going to the scrapyard? Or how many circuit boards within power supplies are being crushed as shred? None of those practices are good for our environment, which eventually makes it bad for economy, country, mom/pop/kids. I kinda get where you are coming from, but its become so common to blast "big business" when so many "little" guys are not doing their part either. In the end, people call for our leaders to overregulate, tax and basically turn our industries into state-run companies. Lets ease up on the rhetoric and let your spending $ do your talking. One thing about all businesses is that they learn to adapt when the bottom line is affected or else close the doors.