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  1. #21
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    If anyone doesn't get what's behind all of this, check out Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! Many years ago, I'd have called anyone like Alex Jones (who meticulously documents and sources all of his information; and, has a REALLY scary track record of being correct) a crackpot; but, "too many dots" have been connecting in the intervening years. There actually IS a systematic plan in place to decimate the US economy; since, at one time, it was the single greatest barrier to a one world government. They used to use ridicule to keep folks from being aware of the plan to force the US into a "North American Union" and onto an "Amero" currency; but, now, they not only don't try to hide it, they tout it in things like the Wall Street Journal as "such a wonderful idea..." I think anyone can see just how "wonderfully" that crap has worked out for the EU... (Only "wonderful" for the few at the very top, who consider the rest of us as rating below livestock...) Understand that these scumbags advance their agendas through a process of "problem / reaction / solution," in which "problems" are intentionally orchestrated for the purpose of generating a desired "reaction," which is typically a public outcry for the desired "solution," which would NEVER have been accepted, prior to the problem... If folks don't start waking up, we're going to be "boiled frogs." Something else that's interesting is to follow the money trail between some of the biggest multi-national companies and the Nazis... People need to start learning the differences between honest capitalism versus corporate fascism... Also, to be aware of the concept of "divide and conquer," which is currently at play in our radically polarized 2 party system, which in the spirit of "problem/reaction/solution," looks one heck of a lot like 2 "feet" that are attached to the same "body" - walking us somewhere that we definitely DON'T want to go; but, which we get manipulated into paving the road to...

  2. #22
    Filthy's Avatar
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    while I agree with some of what you just said.. i dont resort to fearmongering which is what alex jones thrives on. infowars is interesting, but i am no sheep.
    We're the renegades of Junk!

  3. #23
    RustyDollars's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by freonjoe View Post
    I have been watching the S&P earnings reports so far this quarter. I'm not sure if these numbers forcast the future very accurately but 70% of the companies reporting so far have beat the profit estimates but only 42% have beat revenue estimates. Are the big companies doing it through a combination of raising prices and reducing head counts, or just doing it through reducing head counts? Either way it's a trend that seems to be not good for the economy.
    When profits are rising faster than revenue (sales) I usually suspect the company is feeding off of inventory. I think many are waiting until after the election to see which direction the economy is headed. If the economy takes off then those inventories are going to have to be built back up to optimum levels and that could be good for metal prices. Just my 0.02.
    If it wasn't for the $ in $crap, it would just be.....

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    count the peas in your can, half gallon of ice cream is now 1 3/4 qt. 1 lb of bacon is now 12 oz 1 lb jimmy dean sausage is now 14 oz. and reciently a 20 oz coke went to 16.9 oz while prices continue to go up. the reductions all seem small but % wise they are all huge increases they couldnt get by with by just raising the price.
    yeah and a 1 dollar coke is now 14 oz.

  5. #25
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arkansaw View Post
    yeah and a 1 dollar coke is now 14 oz.
    McDonalds sundae's changed to the sickly sweet corn syrup without the nice caramel taste, then they put the price up, them they shrunk the container.

    So I stopped going to McDonalds.

    That was the same year they made their first yearly loss... Ha ha.

  6. #26
    jghilino's Avatar
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    precious metals broke out above there trading channels, looking for a move higher this week

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