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330lb weight scale

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  1. #1
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    330lb weight scale

    So, I have decided that come this weekend, I am going to buy this weight scale 330 Lb Digital Shipping Scale WeighMax: Office Products

    This way I can keep a good track of how much wire, copper, brass, escrap, etc I keep saving up, and can better decide when I want to turn it all in.

    Plus, if I ever do get into buying escrap, then I definitely can't go wrong with it, and I can accurately weight product on side.
    Last edited by GeorgeB; 11-02-2012 at 04:54 AM. Reason: spelling error
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  2. #2
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Good to see u evolving.....I have two scales now one weighs up to 450lbs and still portable enough to carry in the truck.........U will be suprised how much u will use it and I've had skeptics change their mind when I show up on site with my own scales

  3. #3
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    You're going to need a gram scale if you start buying escrap George.

  4. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by freonjoe View Post
    You're going to need a gram scale if you start buying escrap George.
    Why, most quantity goes in lbs and ounces, I just bought a bag of processors and weighted it that way,,
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  5. #5
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    I started with that exact scale and while it has served me well, Joe is right you need something to weigh in grams for RAM and Processors. I got one with 1/10 oz sensitivity. Remember these are NOT trade legal so any purchases should be based on approximate weights to CYA
    My 5,000 pound trade legal floor scale arrived yesterday so I can finally stop weighing bins as I fill gaylords.

  6. #6
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    Good to see u evolving.....I have two scales now one weighs up to 450lbs and still portable enough to carry in the truck.........U will be suprised how much u will use it and I've had skeptics change their mind when I show up on site with my own scales
    Well the 330lb scale is the biggest (as far as weight goes) that I saw when browsing really quick. They might have a bigger one.

    I am definitely going with one that weights over 100lbs so I dont have to worry about breaking it on accident.

    Like I told my wife, my yards treat me good, and never have cheated me, but never know when that might change too. This way, if I know I am going in with 300lbs of copper, I know how much $$$ to expect. The same when shipping escrap, wire, brass, aluminum, you name it.

    Plus like I said, if I turn to buying escrap, then I want/need something portable enough to carry in my truck.

    Quote Originally Posted by jaydee1445 View Post
    I started with that exact scale and while it has served me well, Joe is right you need something to weigh in grams for RAM and Processors. I got one with 1/10 oz sensitivity. Remember these are NOT trade legal so any purchases should be based on approximate weights to CYA
    My 5,000 pound trade legal floor scale arrived yesterday so I can finally stop weighing bins as I fill gaylords.
    Well most of the scales I looked at, did have a oz measure to it as well. I just realized that the one I posted the link for, didn't mention that. So I will look again, but even still, most places only go by pounds anyways.

  7. #7
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    I saw one at my local Sam's Club that looked like that one and they had a couple more in stock. I would go look at them so you know what you are getting. By they way they looked good to me and would get one but I already have a doctor's type scale. Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  8. #8
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    awesome job on getting that scale george , (which ever one you choose). A scale is one of the most important tools in our industry and I still dont have one .... So, you get two thumbs up from me.

    off topic: did you get a msg from me in the last few days, george(questionmark)

  9. #9
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by theelectronrecycler View Post
    awesome job on getting that scale george , (which ever one you choose). A scale is one of the most important tools in our industry and I still dont have one .... So, you get two thumbs up from me.

    off topic: did you get a msg from me in the last few days, george(questionmark)
    yes I got it. I replied. if you didn't get it, email me directly at and I will reply again.

    thanks. I'm sure it will pay for itself in no time. also the 330lb one is only $20 more than most of the others so that isnt to bad.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaydee1445 View Post
    I started with that exact scale and while it has served me well, Joe is right you need something to weigh in grams for RAM and Processors. I got one with 1/10 oz sensitivity. Remember these are NOT trade legal so any purchases should be based on approximate weights to CYA
    My 5,000 pound trade legal floor scale arrived yesterday so I can finally stop weighing bins as I fill gaylords.
    How much does the 5k lb scale cost? I watched a bunch sell at auction recently, and i am thinking i should have bought some.

  11. #11
    BarrenRealms007's Avatar
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    This one is good for 660 lbs for just a few dollars more.

    Heavy Duty 660 lb x 0 1 lb Digital Platform Scale for Shipping Postal Pet w AC | eBay
    We buy electronic scrap, Gold Karat scrap, gold filled, refined gold, silver and many other item's.

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  13. #12
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    I bought the 10000 pallet pound scale a couple weeks ago on eBay. It's the same frame as the 5000 pound one but the load cells are different. It was under $700 with no tax and no shipping charge. It slides into the back of my truck and I have a plywood box that I built that will hold about 800 pounds of insulated wire. They also sent a car adapter with it so I can power it from my car but I've been using my portable car battery charger to power it. I'm hoping to get a trailer soon so I can just leave it on there without loading and unloading all the time because it weighs about 250 pounds.

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