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The kids new scrappin truck.

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    PartTimeScrapper started this thread.
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    The kids new scrappin truck.

    Well the kid gets her liscence tomorrow and we decided to get her a truck. She plans to do curbside shopping as her way to make money so she dont have to get a part time job. I think it will work best for her since she is into sports at school and she can do the scrapping thing after practice. I just cant wait for her first load that she takes to school so that she can hit the scrap yard after school. Anyway only paid $900 for the truck 97f250 217k miles. I did a compression test on the engine and it was good before I baught it. Just put a new rear main seal and clutch in it this week. Still have tires, ball joints, and windshiled to do in it but then she is finished. Just wanted to share have a good day.

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