82 F150 straight 6. This was a work horse. Hauled as much as 6,000 lbs in the bed.
86 F250 6.9L diesel 4 speed manual trans. It woul pull a 19' stock trailor with 10,000 lbs and cruise at 80. Hated the hydraulic clutch on it tho.
84 F250 6.9L diesel auto trans. The trans made this a gutless truck but you couldn't kill it I tried.
86 F250 straight 6. Can you say gas guzzler.
86 Bronco II V6 Eddie Bauer edition. It would pull a load for its size and weight. Only thing I hated is it would blow the rear trans seal out at 130. Never did find out what that one would top out at.
My baby till she died. 99 F150 (all specs refrenced back to an F250) 5.4L Triton. Wider than most trucks, extended cab with 8' bed. Pulled anything I put behind her. Stopping got kind of hairy at times

. She would float on the road at 120-130. When the engine went in her I borrowed a 20' flat bed trailor to get her home, the hitch stuck out past the end of the trailor. Fast *** truck I bought her off the lot 0 miles. I think some one had her custom built.
Currently in a 2002 chevy 3500 with fully enclosed utility bed. She crosses the scales at 8,450 lbs. She not fast but she gets the job done. Hate the gas milage she gets.