though I have had my troubles over the last year, both with health and the political scene. let me and my family be among the first to proclaim, with all that is ill in this country, health wise and politically, we still live in a country greater and more wounderful then any other.
I gripe about my wife but she has not abandon me in these times of ill health, and, she has givrn me the most wounderfull 25 years love loyalty and blind dedication any one could ever ask for, or deserve.
I gripe about my kids, but, I could ask for none better, for there are none.
and lastly, I gripe about noobs and stupid questions on this forum. but it is ment as tough love and nothing less. we were all noobs once and we all asked stupid questions to some one at one time or another.
this forum has not only provided info, but has provided many life long friends and is just as much a family as my own. I have and will continue to treat it and all of you as such.
Happy thanksgiving to all from Mike, Annette, Kyle, and Morgan Wier