I had sort of an off day today; so, I spent more time "wandering in circles" (framing a window that I later decided not to use, hunting the thresholds that I know I have around here SOMEWHERE, etc.) than actually getting things accomplished; but, I got things figured out and (mostly) laid out for tomorrow. I found out that some scrap wood that I had to haul off with the door wasn't all busted up and rotted; and, in it, I found a usable jamb for each side. I'll need to either use a couple of 2x6's or rip them down to 3 1/2" wide; but, by the time I got them dug out, cleaned up, and checked to make sure they matched up to the door, it was getting too late and too cold to decide which I was going to do.
I'll definitely take pics and either upload them here; or, put them on my web site and post a link. LOL, I definitely "get some looks" over the pallet on the back; but, the way I scavenge, there's just not room to stuff everything inside. That's not even counting having to haul in 240#s of dog food every month to keep my pack fed... It started out about a year ago, when I bought a table saw at the pawn shop in town. I didn't feel like dismantling it; but, obviously, it wouldn't fit in the car. I snagged the pallet out of a dumpster, rigged it onto the back bumper, supported by rope draped over the top of the hatch-back and sloped to the back corners of the pallet; then, loaded the table saw onto that, tied it down, and got it home. Before I got around to taking it off, I needed to go to Shawnee for dog food (as usual, I had the car full of stuff that I didn't feel up to unloading at the moment); so, I just loaded the dog food onto it and tied it down. It worked great; so, the pallet became sort of a fixture and hasn't come off of there since. It's getting due for a new rope; so, I'll wind up needing to do that; but, (at least) until I can get my truck back on the road, it's too handy to get rid of... Somewhere along the way, it got nicknamed my "Honda Civic pickup truck..."

LOL, You should've seen some of the stuff I hauled (back in the 80's) on a 400/4 Honda motorcycle!!! Probably the worst was a full sized hot water heater (destined to become a bar-b-q'er) AND about 200 feet of 4-0, 4 strand insulated wire - at the same time, no less... I got lit up on that load; but, didn't get a ticket. The cop just wanted to make sure that he hadn't been hallucinating... ;p It was pretty obvious that I was headed straight home - if I'd even tried to get off the bike, it would've toppled over... What the heck - the tank was free; and, I got a deal that I couldn't pass up on the wire that I needed to move my welding machine down to a shop that was on the 10 acres where I was living, instead of having to weld stuff outside and constantly have to be on fire watch while trying to weld... {shrug} It DID help that I had built the luggage rack out of 2" angle iron and 3/4" re-bar - which, a couple of years later, caused me to "win a fight with a pickup" that made a sudden left turn in front of me. That's a story for another time, though; since, I need to catch up on the sleep I missed earlier today, due to a couple of phone calls. (It sucks being an owl in a lark world... How would these folks like it if I called them at 3am...)