May each in your own way say a prayer for those poor people in Newtown, Conn. If you hadn't heard there was a shooting at an elementry school there with several dead. As a father of five I cannot even begin to imagine the loss.
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May each in your own way say a prayer for those poor people in Newtown, Conn. If you hadn't heard there was a shooting at an elementry school there with several dead. As a father of five I cannot even begin to imagine the loss.
If it wasn't for the $ in $crap, it would just be.....
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That is so very sad to hear about. What is wrong with people?
Last edited by Scrapette; 12-14-2012 at 11:01 AM.
Success consists of going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm...... Churchill
What has our world come to..I'm a father of a single 1 year old. Wouldn't imagine there lose. How could someone hurt those cute innocent kids! I'm getting mad just commenting. What a horrible thing to do!!!
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be interesting to know if all these young shooters are shooting gamers. Im not saying all gamers are would be shooters but, are all shooters gamers. just a thought.
it takes a really off tilt coward to go shoot kids. it hapned in Sacramento ca years ago and resulted in the first gun ban.
it teachers were allowed to be armed would 30 kids be dead ?
every one of these shootings take place in areas where guns are banned.
Last edited by EcoSafe; 12-14-2012 at 11:34 AM.
"anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"
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I don't know what's causing it but there seems to be an ever increasing devaluation of human life. It's both sickening and saddening.![]()
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You may and granted. 27 dead as of last update, 18 children no less. Sad sad sad, just really no words for it all.
Far as blaming shooting games, videos, movies, music, whatnot...lets face it some folks are crazy. Ban the video games and whatnot and it will still happen. It'd be nice to think we could end such evil acts with such simple things, but you know as well as I do...ban all the games, or whatever people are blaming, which will next be guns..and they will still do the deeds.
Anyhow, prayers and thoughts to all in Conn. If ya got children, or even loved ones, give'm a hug or lest call'm and let'm know folks. Just senseless all this crazy stuff.
Sirscrapalot - At a loss for words.
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Give your kids a hug! They can't do no wrong.
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how could this guy be buzzed into a locked school in full camo and tactacle gear, including 4 guns at least one of which was an "assult" rifle. something is definately not right here.
Prayers go out to all the families involved.
I will keep my opinion to myself.
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This has me in a bad place right about now. My mother was a teacher and was killed in a crash back in '91 when a reckless driver lost control of his tractor trailer. Shoot your own mother? It's a good thing this guy is dead, or I'd be sending a lawyer to request the scumbag be put in my custody. Just for one day.
Rusty.....thank you for starting this thread. I've prayed for them already, but just did again. It is going to be a long time before the families ever get anywhere near normal. The kids who didn't get hurt need prayer too. It's such a loss and it saddens me.
People have always been capable of horrendous acts. The only way to stop things like this from happening is for everyone to turn to God. I know that won't happen, but the world would sure be a better place to live.
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Sad, sad , can anyone, no matter how screwed up they are, kill 20 innocent children like that. I have seen first hand how cruel people can be to others but this goes beyond anything i could have imagined. My thoughts and prayers are with all those families today and with those officers who have to process that crime scene.
I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.” John Wayne-- The Shootist
Prayers to the families.
I live about 45 min. from newtown and never woulda though anything like this happening here. You hear about it all over the place and think that its soo far away but then when it comes this close to you it seems to hit you harder. My ptayers and thoughts go out to all those who were hirt during this incident.
i agree with old dude, 5ys ago i had to get my school record and it was at the elementary school and i needed an act of congress to get in.makes my stomach hurt to think some sick dude kills all those kids to get to his mother. i dont think my words express as much as id like to say. what a screwed up world were in
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i live in jonesboro ar, for those that remember the westside shootings thats in my town, the whole community will struggle, thoughts and prayers to all involved
wow, that's horrible!![]()
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I must say my prayors and thought are with those folks.
a week before Christmas, wow
having lost a 5 year old daughter to a drunk driver in my own front yard some 40 years ago, let me say, you never really get over it, you always wounder what might have been. time dosent really heal all, it just makes it a little easier.
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