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Rather disturbing..

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  1. #1
    Sirscrapalot started this thread.
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    Rather disturbing..

    So was reading some news sites, and of course come across stories on the shooting on Friday at Sandy Hook. While reading I came across that those idiots from Westboro Baptist know the guys who picket funeral for soldiers..will be doing the same at the Vigil and services.
    This disturbs me greatly, and if it wasn't for the fact I'd not make it in time, I'd be on my way up there to help keep those idiots away, like the folks in TX did a couple months back when they tried to come down there an protest.

    I'm all for freedom of speech, but this is just disgusting. Yes disgusting. These people are sick, and that's about the nicest thing I can say without having this post deleted an being banned. If anyone will be attending the vigil, or services there, please help those poor folks who've suffered enough through losing their children and loved ones and get out there an keep these fools away from the Vigil or services or where ever they try and set up.

    This is a time to remember the young souls that will never grow up, and the heroes who died saving the others and comfort those who lost loved ones. Not a time to preach hate.

    This just pisses me off.

    Sorry for the rant folks, but had to vent.

    /end rant.

    Sirscrapalot - Not a fan of hate or hate spewing groups.

  2. #2
    Ecycle Atlanta's Avatar
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    Thanks for posting and I'm with you on it. Now go clean up that Pepsi...

    edit: oops, gotta go check the ToS to make sure i can post something semi-religous

    edit again...yup, not allowed per ToS so i shortened it
    Last edited by Ecycle Atlanta; 12-16-2012 at 04:36 PM.

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  4. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    If the "patriot riders" hear about it then they will be there in force, they have a personal hatred of that group and take delight in standing against them.
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  6. #4
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    Shendog, as far as I'm concerned - feel free to leave your post as it was originally. I was an active member of Patriot Guard Riders who guarded family from seeing them when they picketed military member funerals here in Maine. The only truth in "Westboro Baptist Church" is "Westboro". And I'm not sure about that.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

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  8. #5
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    The thing with the westboro nutjobs is at the end of the day when you go to sleep. How can you sleep at all when you have spent all day picketing the people that defended this country and died for your freedom? Assaulting the families of the lost with signs and filth being proliferated out of there mouths and there signs should be drowned out by loud bikes and shouting by the patriot riders. I just don't how you can live with yourself picketing a mass murder of 20 children and 6 adults. Makes me want to vomit.

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  10. #6
    NobleMetalWorks's Avatar
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    Seems their religion is all about how much they can hate, rather than anything positive.

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  12. #7
    Ecycle Atlanta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mick View Post
    Shendog, as far as I'm concerned - feel free to leave your post as it was originally. I was an active member of Patriot Guard Riders who guarded family from seeing them when they picketed military member funerals here in Maine. The only truth in "Westboro Baptist Church" is "Westboro". And I'm not sure about that.
    Thanks Mick. I'll just say that my beliefs tell me to love the people of WBC and pray for a change in their hearts. However I dont condone their actions and appreciate those that can carefully deter them from spewing hatred. The PGR have been great in showing their support of families stricken by grief and doing so without making the problem worse. This will never be a perfect world, but if we dont stand up against folks like these they will continue. Thanks again to you and SSaL for bringing this up.

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  14. #8
    Sirscrapalot started this thread.
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    No problem Shen. An Mick and Mech thank you for the info on the Patriot Riders..I think I'll be looking to see if they have a website, I've been looking for another cause to support and this is one I can certainly get behind.

    Sirscrapalot - Found the site..for any others interested..
    Last edited by Sirscrapalot; 12-16-2012 at 05:18 PM. Reason: included link

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  16. #9
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    No problem Shen. An Mick and Mech thank you for the info on the Patriot Riders..I think I'll be looking to see if they have a website, I've been looking for another cause to support and this is one I can certainly get behind.

    Sirscrapalot - Found the site..for any others interested..Patriot Guard Riders
    For anyone interested you can usually find a group of PGR at most larger American Legions, and as far as I know you don't have to be a member to join the PGR,

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