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  1. #21
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Hey George, did a little searching, and besides the link from hobo, I see folks suggest you use a spray Adhesive. I also saw some folks using gorrila glue, for it. My suggestion would be the spray. Spray, smooth, spray, smooth, repeat. I just did a quick search in Google using "what glue to refelt a pool table". Might be able to find more with a little digging.

    Hope this helps ya buddy. Gonna be up your way for the holidays, I'll honk and wave as I pass by ya! :P

    Sirscrapalot - Uses glue and spray adhesives in his wood working.

  2. #22
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    Hey George, did a little searching, and besides the link from hobo, I see folks suggest you use a spray Adhesive. I also saw some folks using gorrila glue, for it. My suggestion would be the spray. Spray, smooth, spray, smooth, repeat. I just did a quick search in Google using "what glue to refelt a pool table". Might be able to find more with a little digging.

    Hope this helps ya buddy. Gonna be up your way for the holidays, I'll honk and wave as I pass by ya! :P

    Sirscrapalot - Uses glue and spray adhesives in his wood working.
    Yeah, I will stick with the spray for sure. I know Gorilla Glue will secure it, because if you make a teeny mistake, your screwed lol

    Where you headed to?
    George Beale - Founder & President -
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  3. #23
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    pool table felt results :
    pool table felt - YouTube

  4. #24
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Chantilly/Centerville, and Alexandria. I'll be just outside your neck of the woods. Gonna be up from the 24th thru the 28th, doing the holiday rounds. Ha!

    If you'll be around, might be able to pop by with the cooler good sir. Christmas cheer travels well!

    Sirscrapalot - Have cooler will travel.

  5. #25
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    Chantilly/Centerville, and Alexandria. I'll be just outside your neck of the woods. Gonna be up from the 24th thru the 28th, doing the holiday rounds. Ha!

    If you'll be around, might be able to pop by with the cooler good sir. Christmas cheer travels well!

    Sirscrapalot - Have cooler will travel.
    centreville is about 10 minutes from me

    chantilly is about 20 or so

    alexandria is about 40 or so minutes

    if by cooler, you mean beer, I appreciate thr offer but I don't drink.

    we could meet up for a bite to eat though or whatever.

    let me know what your schedule will be like and perhaps we can make something happen

  6. #26
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    My good George..My traveling cooler doesn't discriminate. It will carry beer, soda, water, anything you'd like cold. I'll drop ya a email when we get in the area. Would be glad to share a meal or a soda, an not have someone look at me like I'm nuts when I get all excited talking about what we do. Heh.

    Sirscrapalot - Va bound for the holidays.

  7. #27
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    My good George..My traveling cooler doesn't discriminate. It will carry beer, soda, water, anything you'd like cold. I'll drop ya a email when we get in the area. Would be glad to share a meal or a soda, an not have someone look at me like I'm nuts when I get all excited talking about what we do. Heh.

    Sirscrapalot - Va bound for the holidays.
    Be sure to have a safe trip and we'll see you back on here after the holidays all refreshed and ready to go,,,
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

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  9. #28
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    George I use to buy and sell pool tables. If you are having problems let me know. As far as glue use contact cement. If the slate is backed by wood use staples.

  10. #29
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    My good George..My traveling cooler doesn't discriminate. It will carry beer, soda, water, anything you'd like cold. I'll drop ya a email when we get in the area. Would be glad to share a meal or a soda, an not have someone look at me like I'm nuts when I get all excited talking about what we do. Heh.

    Sirscrapalot - Va bound for the holidays.
    Sure thing, I get emails on my cell, so feel free to email and I will get it immediately.

    Yeah, I know all about the "looks" lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Metalman65 View Post
    George I use to buy and sell pool tables. If you are having problems let me know. As far as glue use contact cement. If the slate is backed by wood use staples.
    Well, right now, I am not having a great deal of luck. I had a lady interested, but since it doesn't come with the balls, she isnt interested. It is in good shape, and I hate to take it to the dump. I found a ball set with some other stuff, thanks to a link from another SMF member on here, for under $40.

    I am just trying to get in touch with my brother in law to ensure he thinks we can re felt it ourselves, by buying the adhesive that is needed. If so, I will still have this lady interested if I drop the price enough so she will have the cash to buy the balls from walmart.

    Thanks for the tip on Contact Cement

  11. #30
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    Hi George, I use to install pool tables. If you still need help let me know. One hint, use a contact cement for the felt. If it has wood backing on the slate the staple it. I did not use spray glue because of the over spay. It can really damage wood finishes.

  12. #31
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalman65 View Post
    Hi George, I use to install pool tables. If you still need help let me know. One hint, use a contact cement for the felt. If it has wood backing on the slate the staple it. I did not use spray glue because of the over spay. It can really damage wood finishes.
    Well, right now, I am not having a great deal of luck. I had a lady interested, but since it doesn't come with the balls, she isnt interested. It is in good shape, and I hate to take it to the dump. I found a ball set with some other stuff, thanks to a link from another SMF member on here, for under $40.

    I am just trying to get in touch with my brother in law to ensure he thinks we can re felt it ourselves, by buying the adhesive that is needed. If so, I will still have this lady interested if I drop the price enough so she will have the cash to buy the balls from walmart.

    Thanks for the tip on Contact Cement

  13. #32
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    I had 3 tables I had to give away because I could not sell them. You said the slate was very heavy and thick. Leads me to believe the table is an older one. Can you pot or send picture? That would tell me a lot. Is there a name on the table? I assume this had the leather pockets. Also is the slate backed by wood? If it comes to you can not sell it before I would haul it to the dump I would put it on Craigslist for free.

  14. #33
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    Use the slate to make a counter top for your kitchen or bathroom.

  15. #34
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalman65 View Post
    I had 3 tables I had to give away because I could not sell them. You said the slate was very heavy and thick. Leads me to believe the table is an older one. Can you pot or send picture? That would tell me a lot. Is there a name on the table? I assume this had the leather pockets. Also is the slate backed by wood? If it comes to you can not sell it before I would haul it to the dump I would put it on Craigslist for free.
    The slate is in 3 good size pices. Weighing in at maybe 150 to 200lbs. Definitely no more than that.

    The pockets are a hard composite plastic (the kind where the ball falls in and stays there, until you take it out by hand).

    The name on the table is Kasson (sent you a picture in response to your email)

    I dont know what you mean by "is the slate backed by wood" was sitting on top of the wood used to support it and the legs, but there is no actual wood attached to it, except the parts that it screws into it.

  16. #35
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    BTW. When you post your ad on Craigslist or tell someone about your pool table be sure to put the word billiard in front of balls. I learned this when I advertised my pool tables.
    Or else you make statements like this.
    I do not have any ......
    You need a set of ......
    I lost my ......
    ...... not included.
    I have everything except ......
    You will need a good set of .......
    Do you have any ......
    My ...... are in good shape.
    Can you get some ......?

    LOL hope this made your day.

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