Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
My good George..My traveling cooler doesn't discriminate. It will carry beer, soda, water, anything you'd like cold. I'll drop ya a email when we get in the area. Would be glad to share a meal or a soda, an not have someone look at me like I'm nuts when I get all excited talking about what we do. Heh.

Sirscrapalot - Va bound for the holidays.
Sure thing, I get emails on my cell, so feel free to email and I will get it immediately.

Yeah, I know all about the "looks" lol

Quote Originally Posted by Metalman65 View Post
George I use to buy and sell pool tables. If you are having problems let me know. As far as glue use contact cement. If the slate is backed by wood use staples.
Well, right now, I am not having a great deal of luck. I had a lady interested, but since it doesn't come with the balls, she isnt interested. It is in good shape, and I hate to take it to the dump. I found a ball set with some other stuff, thanks to a link from another SMF member on here, for under $40.

I am just trying to get in touch with my brother in law to ensure he thinks we can re felt it ourselves, by buying the adhesive that is needed. If so, I will still have this lady interested if I drop the price enough so she will have the cash to buy the balls from walmart.

Thanks for the tip on Contact Cement