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Hi George, I use to install pool tables. If you still need help let me know. One hint, use a contact cement for the felt. If it has wood backing on the slate the staple it. I did not use spray glue because of the over spay. It can really damage wood finishes.
Well, right now, I am not having a great deal of luck. I had a lady interested, but since it doesn't come with the balls, she isnt interested. It is in good shape, and I hate to take it to the dump. I found a ball set with some other stuff, thanks to a link from another SMF member on here, for under $40.
I am just trying to get in touch with my brother in law to ensure he thinks we can re felt it ourselves, by buying the adhesive that is needed. If so, I will still have this lady interested if I drop the price enough so she will have the cash to buy the balls from walmart.
Thanks for the tip on Contact Cement