1. I bought a pair of mini-bolt cutters today for $10 intending to use them a few times and then order in a pair of Kleins (Oh how I love them), when I got the chance. It turns out that the cheapos didn't even last me an hour... next time I'll just be patient. Basically paid ten dollars to be reminded of what I learned long ago; Cheap tools will usually cost more to keep buying new/repairing them than to just buy the good ones in the first place.

2. I also remembered while dismantling some brass fittings that just about anything threaded onto, into, or through brass; that is stuck can be knocked lose enough to turn out by bashing it a few times with a hammer. (Wear eye protection for cast iron of course).

Just a couple random thoughts, anyone else have any "little" tips that you just do out of habit to make things easier?