LOL!!! So did you pick up the handcuffs?...........for their scrap value of course. LOL!!
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I'd probably get about twenty cents for their scrap value! If that.
I did pick them up. But I'm kind of a prankster, so I may hold on to them for a while.
For pranks, of course. lol.
Then again, my sister is getting married in a few months and I haven't bought her a wedding present yet...........
I picked up 3 TV's a few weeks ago. One was a 42" plasma. All non working. Scrapped 2 and tried to sell the plasma for $50. Got a lot of people wanting it for $20. Finally sold it for $50.
I thought about trying to repair it, but I am not sure I would have been able to. Plus $50 fits in my gas tank better than a plasma would.
You could fix em Bear. It's really quite simple. As long as you can use a soldering iron. And I'm pretty sure you got that down a while back ;) Some of these other guys have pretty much answered the rest of your question for me. Still, I like Radio Shack. Only once have they not had the capacitor I needed. A 3300 uf 25v. They don't keep the higher microfarad caps in stock. But they did have in for me in 3 days. My whole point being, you can easily repair these things more times than not. And that translates into more $$$ :)
I'll post this link again as it's a lifesaver with info related to bad caps. on motherboards, flatscreen monitors, flatscreen tv's, power supplies etc.
They have a forum with tons of info on different models, and also have a store that sells the specific caps. in singles and kits to do your own repairs.
There is a noise rating on the caps. and if you happen to buy the cheapest around you may increase the noise factor without knowing it. This place will explain all that.
Troubleshooting TVs and Video Sources - Badcaps Forums
And here's the store with their cap kits and more. - Badcaps Home
Snodley and I hauled out a dozen flatscreens from a computer store and within a 2 weeks we had 4 up and running and sold using Badcaps info.
On the subject of 'Bad Caps'
I pulled apart a part from a computer, it has these #'s on it. 'J23203 RWNSBA' made by 'Computer INC 2003' & 'RU 94V-0' & 'gw-06' & 'E187088'. I think its a power supply
Anyway, of 12 caps, 8 were swollen, bulged & several leaking..... They were all the same brand, and this is the funny part...
The brands name is SU'SCON
You know, like in 'SUS' (like in suspicious) & 'CON' (like to persuade (someone) to do or believe something, typically by use of a deception)
Put them togeether & you get SU'SCON
Whatta brand name eh?
I found in a lot of radios I repaired over the years that the engineer that designed the radio would put in the smallest (voltage wise) caps that they could and still get them to work for X amount of time. There might only be a couple of pennies difference in the price of the different caps. but when you take those couple of pennies and multiply that by 10,000 - 20,000 radios, then you are looking at some serious money. If they do that with just about every part in the radio, then you have cut the price of the radio in half. Probably cut the life in half also.
Many times I have seen a 10 volt cap in a 12 volt circuit.