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Little Tricks And Tips

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  1. #1
    Bear is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Little Tricks And Tips

    Before you toss those CD and DVD carcasses in with shred, if you like to do a bit of "treasure hunting", there's a tiny hole in the front that's for doing a manual release. It doesn't need to be plugged in, or operational, just push a tiny wire straight in, and it will eject the tray. You'd be surprised the number of useful disks gets left in those things. A straightened paper clip, or "bathroom door key" will work, possibly many others too

    Here's another little tip I've found handy is all those plastic cards you might get along the way. I used this one to mix some JB Weld. You can also cut small strips off to use as a tiny putty knife, I've spread cooling grease on lots of CPUs in time past with them. Then just toss em ; )

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