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Gun confiscation !

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  1. #1
    taterjuice started this thread.
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    Exclamation Gun confiscation !

    Well friends gov. Andrew cuomo of new York stated his was in favor of outright gun confiscation for "assault rifles", which they are painting the definition broad enough to include dam near ANY rifle. Dear fellow american citizens, this is an head on attack of our rights as Americans.
    Not a gun guy, well boys and girls, if they can delete one of our rights, what's to save the rest ?

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    jghilino's Avatar
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    It is a fact what we are gradually losing our rights.

    Every time something happens there is public outcry and there is overreaction. You can blame whatever you want but remember that you can only blame yourself if there is no one else around to point the finger at.
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  5. #3
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    second ammendment is the one that protects the rest.

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  7. #4
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    second amendment.....if you come for mine, you will need yours

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  9. #5
    copycat's Avatar
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    I saw this coming. Too many nuts with guns. We need people control laws. If your a nut you need locked up. I hate to see the day I'll have to turn in my guns.

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  11. #6
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    the problem is they want the sane peoples guns.

    Also, why make more gun laws when they cant even enforce the ones already on the books?

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  13. #7
    billygoat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MattInTheHat View Post
    the problem is they want the sane peoples guns.

  14. #8
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    why do you suppose amendment 1 is freedom of speech and amendment 2 is the one that protects amendment 1.

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  16. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by MattInTheHat
    the problem is they want the sane peoples guns.
    Quote Originally Posted by billygoat View Post
    Really! If they wanted to keep the guns out of the hands of the insane people they would be talking about mental health, but all they are talking about is banning assault weapons. If you look at the summery of the bill Dianne Feinstein is proposing (here) you will see the summery makes zero mention of mental health. Apparently it is OK if you kill people with 10 round magazines in pistols, but not 20 round magazines in funny looking guns. Until they put the focus on mental health where it belongs these events will keep happening no matter what guns you ban.

    "Only the weak blame parents, their race, their times, lack of good fortune, or the quirks of fate. Everyone has it within his power to say, this I am today, that I shall be tomorrow. The wish, however, must be implemented by deeds." Louis L'Amour The Walking Drum

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  18. #10
    billygoat's Avatar
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    So what do you need an assault weapon for?

  19. #11
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    History 101: during the American revolution the citizens (patriots of the day) were able to overthrow a tyrannical government (king George) and gain their rights (your rights) largely because they were equipped with the most modern rifles (the "assault rifle of the day) the gun later to be widely known as the "Kentucky long rifle" which was accurate at 200 yards as apposed to the foreign rifles accurate to 50 to 75 yards.

    sooooo when the second amendment was written two very plain things were clearly spelled out !. the right of the citizens to form a militia o militias and 2 to bear the most modern weapons of the day.

    what the gun grabbers refer to as assault rifles are only lookalikes they are not the most modern weapons of the day, it takes a very had special permit to get those and very few citizens posses them.

    today Chicago registered it's 500th murder. dam* guns.....oh Waite Chicago is a "gun free city" hmmmm !
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 12-28-2012 at 02:16 PM.

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  21. #12
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    Criminals do not care rthat the guns they carry are illegal

  22. #13
    billygoat's Avatar
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    olddude, you are just about the only person I see that uses good sense in your posts, and I respect you for that. I am in full support of the second amendment. I'll admit I'm neutral on the subject of "gun control." But I do think something needs to be done to take the guns out of the hands of criminals. I also believe that with rights comes responsibilities, and I keep seeing everyone screaming about their rights, but nothing about their responsibility involving second amendment rights. I am also getting tired of some of the juvenile jokes some people seem to think is amusing.

    By the way, the incident involving the two firefighters that were killed on Christmas eve happened in my hometown. Webster is a suburb of Rochester. So that may very well prejudice my thoughts. I'll admit that.

  23. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by billygoat View Post
    So what do you need an assault weapon for?
    And that is the wrong question. The question is why won't they do anything about the mental heath system in the US. The answer is that fixing the mental heath system will be difficult and politicians are lazy. It is easy to ban something, pat themselves on the back, and tell their constituents I fixed the problem reelect me. The reality is a ban fixes nothing, the crazies are still out there and so are knives, bats, bows and arrows, cars, poison, explosives, other guns, clubs, etc. I don't care what a child is killed with, I care only that the child was killed, period. Fix the problem fix the crazies!

    Starbits disclaimer: I own no "assault" weapons and don't plan on buying any, but I still don't think they should be banned.

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  25. #15
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    you are absolutely right. Responsibility for ones own and ones own action is sadly lacking in this country and around the world.

    my belief is that the more responsibility the government takes in our daily lives the less people have to be responsible for them selves, or their actions.

    when politicians and governments ignore the charter of our country by passing or ordering unconstitutional law by regulation at any level, we are no longer a constitutional republic. we are an oligarchy plain and simple.

    I also believe the scale has gone past the tipping point, and, there is no going back. I have seen 70 years of history, change and loss of freedom, and rights.

    To me it is not only sad, but heart breaking.

    Fortunately I will probably not live to see the joys of my youth totally destroyed, but it is sad to know that my children and grand children will never see this country as I saw it.
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 12-28-2012 at 03:19 PM.

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  27. #16
    etack's Avatar
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    If the second amendment can be infringed on with laws banning them from criminals and mentally ill why not in other ways? It seems that you want it all, a way that suits you the best.

    We live in a republic (a government indirectly controlled by the people) this means that if you buy into the system you take the good and the bad, You get to pick your leader but not what they do. If you voted for other leaders and they didn't win all you can do is hope for the best next time. If you didn't vote quit crying you didn't buy into the system(not directed at any forum member just in general). I know its hard to take some times but that's the way it is I for the most part get no satisfaction in politics I'm a libertarian. I believe give everyone guns or don't complain about the limiting of them in any way. Same with welfare stop it to businesses and country's first or don't complain about giving it to people.

    Just my thoughts on it.


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  29. #17
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    civics 101: there was a time when the U.S. legilatue was apointed by the various state legislatures who were directly elected by the people of their district. they were beholding to the people of the districts of the various states. they could be fired by the state legislatures and another put in their place at any time.

    this was one of the causes of the war of agression/civil war whatever.

    after the war the people were given the idea as to how great it would be if they directly elected their "own" U/S legislaters. sounds logical, plausable and only right.

    problem, now they are no longer district politicians but government politicians/national politicians. we are stuck with senators for 6 years, and by that time are so imbeded into federal and national politics we can't get rid of them.
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 12-28-2012 at 05:02 PM.

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  31. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by billygoat View Post
    So what do you need an assault weapon for?
    Ill tell you why I need an assault weapon as you call it. I have one for protection. From what? I do not know yet but I have it none the less. If a mob of 20 people are trying to break into my house to take my stuff after a natural disaster or anything else that may or could happen. I would rather have my AK47 with a 75 round barrel clip than a pump action shot gun that only holds 6 rounds. Plus both my kids can easly handle and shoot this gun as apposed to a 12 guage that kicks like a mule. Nothin says YEEHAA like your teenage daughter squezin off 30 rounds on target in less than minute. Am I nutz? Maybe? But I know im prepared for what ever might happen and I know both my kids know how to properly handle and respect firearms.

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  33. #19
    taterjuice started this thread.
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    Don't get it wrong this "assault rifle" is nothing but a stepping stone to a full on gun ban. Aside from the obivious rifles, AR's and AK's, this would include ANY rifle than can accept a magazine larger than ten rounds. So you own a Ruger 10-22 ? Assault rifle. Own a British 303 enfield bolt action ? Assault rifle as well due to bayonet lug. I could go on but you get the point.

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  35. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by taterjuice View Post
    Don't get it wrong this "assault rifle" is nothing but a stepping stone to a full on gun ban. Aside from the obivious rifles, AR's and AK's, this would include ANY rifle than can accept a magazine larger than ten rounds. So you own a Ruger 10-22 ? Assault rifle. Own a British 303 enfield bolt action ? Assault rifle as well due to bayonet lug. I could go on but you get the point.
    Oh yeah thanks for that tater I need to order the bayonet lug for my ak. Also does my old western wards 22 long rifle bolt action get banned also? It can hold 13 in the underbarrel tube. Maybe its ok since its not a magazine.

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