I am trying to decide on what action to take against one of my ebay buyers for non payment.

last Friday I had a laptop sell for almost $70 with $15 in s&h.

sent the guy an invoice...few days pass by and no payment...send another...another day or 2 and send another....all total I have sent about 4 invoices.....so yesterday I message the buyer to see if he was going to pay. he said he pays all invoicez Friday morning so the first thought I had was (and you can't say nothing for almost a week?)

so here it is at 7:15pm and still no payment after I issued another invoice this morning.

I go on this guys feedback and see comments that were left for fast payment etc.

I know ebay can release the sale so I can relist it but I don't feel like waiting another week to sell.

any suggestions what I should do.