Has anyone heard what the details are of deal there working on today in the emergency congressional session? i am having trouble finding anything out about it
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Has anyone heard what the details are of deal there working on today in the emergency congressional session? i am having trouble finding anything out about it
I buy and sell all types of scrap and escrap. I buy specialty and hard to sell escrap. I buy resale items. PM me or contact me at jghilino@hotmail.com
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what ever it is it cant be good.
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Head and shoulder formation visible in the 1year chart for the dow. This suggests a huge drop in the market in 2013. You have been warned.
Head and shoulders (chart pattern) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Last edited by jghilino; 12-31-2012 at 01:19 PM.
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Over we go. Taxes up,prices down.
I hope there is no deal. They need to cut spending by 1/3. Anything less is a joke.
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Thiere not going to cut spending, thats why they want taxes to go up so they can spend more. Thiere going to spend until we become a third world country. My .25
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Dang jghilino.. you are a man of many talents. I trade Currencies myself.. Most people wouldn't know a head and shoulders from a pullback.. not to mention what a bar chart is. Nice looking out!
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i have to keep a close eye on the markets, i have too much or not enough money in metals not to
copper has the best potential in 2013 in my opinion, i see strong chinese demand driving it up to $5 before year end
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Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
Certified Zip-Tie Mechanic
"Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."
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Nice one KZ...lol
I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.” John Wayne-- The Shootist
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I feel copper is strong for the winter so far, spring might be the 5 dollar mark,
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more proof the government and their "fiscall cliff" crap is just that. while the dems and repubs made a great show and worked the midnight oil on the deal. here is what really happned
1, though the only new income tax was on those making 450,000 per year nothing will change because they left all the tax loupe holes in. anyone making that kind of money can afford a tax lawyer to find those holes. so exactly 0 was accomplished.
#2 those making the medium income of 50,000 will save about $1000 in income tax, buttttt the fica increase of almost 50% (which was never mentioned) will come toooooo, you guessed it $1000
0 accomplished.
all the promised spending cuts demanded by the repubs were limited to the ones agreed to over a year ago. 0 accomplished.
those spending cuts 60 billion is spread over 10 years or 6 billion per year, less then enough to run the country for a day. 0 accomplished.
Last edited by EcoSafe; 01-03-2013 at 09:43 AM.
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Lets see. Your running a small business and the gorverment decides you need to pay more taxes. (tax the rich they need to pay thier fair share) So your small business makes a widget. That widget cost you $1 to make in total costs. You want to make 20% or $.20 per widget minimum as your salary and the government wants thier share. Lets say for easy math they want 10% or $.02. You need to sell that widget to us poor folk in the lower tax brackits for $1.23. Why $1.23 you ask? Because if they want 10% and you as the owner want to make 20 percent and they are taxing you on the profit then you have to sell it for $.23 over cost to make your minimum 20 percent. Now big borther government says your not paying your fair share and wants to start taxing you at 20%. You now raise the price of your widget to $1.25. Gues who just paid the raising of the taxes on the rich?
Said it once and Ill say it again tax code and budget can be put into single sentence. "Every transaction shall be taxed at X rate and federal government can not spend more than it takes in per year."
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To me its malarkey of numbers , Generation after Generation will pursue the $$ gain that can be had . Just like a pyramid scam,some day, some one will be holding the bag or the fully squeezed orange . Sadly it could happen when once and for all, if Americans as a nation, experience true devastation of what is real . NO food , Massive in home war , a hurricane or tsunami are some of the true humbling things that could happen to show all of us what is real and what is created by humans . It's a old topic, but if you have food - water - you have it all or at least you have the strength to fight.
The Here and Now is to figure how to play this world we live in cause thats what is real . As valuable as our metals are we ultimately trade them for paper money,that most likely is the gamble of musical chairs. 100 lbs of copper is universal our cash becoming fiat money , one never knows.
In the last 3 years I feel my metal has held its value better then currency A trip to the supper market is the truth a Bag of apples, a bag of oranges almost $10 .
Our cash has always been fiat money. Once the last wire making plant closes in the US what exactly are you going to do with that 100lbs of copper? You will sell it to some fat chinese copper for food shop for whatever the owner feels like giving you because you have no other options. Metals have value because of industy, which is why most of the scrap you guys sell is going out of the country (little industry left here in the US to need it in raw form).
The fiscal cliff is a sad joke, a bunch of *******s arguing over paying bills that have already run up. The two parties are just dealing on how fast to screw the non rich. Look how much of the budget goes to the military and what we get for that, it will never be cut even if the old and young have to starve to keep it going. The debt doesn't matter (as most republicans have stated over the years) because nobody has any intention of ever paying it down or off. Once the rich get all they can out of the country they will just leave, globalization has made it easy (and profitable) to **** where you eat.
Well, all I know is what's in my wallet. And it's getting to be less and less. Regular size bag of Funyuns today at the Dollar Store cost me $1.49. A buck forty-nine!! Smokes went up .10 per pack! Gas went up .10 per gallon. When did all the price increases go into effect? Jan. 02, 2013 Fiscal cliff??? Rich getting richer. Poor getting poorer.
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