18 in. x 18 in. x 16 in. Heavy Duty Medium Box-10010013 at The Home Depot
with a little poking around, this will hold 66lbs of
escrap with a lot of it being boards.
the box weighs almost 3 lbs
i've been told that 65-69lbs gets you the best price per lb with fedex. once you hit 70lbs there is a price spike.
you can get a cheaper box this size rated for 65lb, but this is rated for 80lb and i like the overkill because stuff gets abused in shipping.
also walmart has a slightly larger one also rated for 80lb, but it ends up having room left over.
always ask your buyer if they have a fedex account if can save you a lot i payed about $55 to ship 2 65lb boxes, and that was picked up at my house.