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I don't think this is necessarily a good test. From what I understand, sociopathy is more of a behavioral disorder and not necessarily an ability to make a brilliant deduction. But I'm not a shrink, so I can't be so sure.
Sociopaths look at the world differently than "normal" people whatever that means. While most are not murderers, they commonly exhibit a lack of conscience and a lack of empathy as well as several other key diagnostic characteristics.
The riddle, which I've seen in several different places, is designed to see if you can think like a sociopath. That is - if you understand the internal logic that they might use to committ such a terrible act.
Many people who are not sociopathic get the answer because they understand the predatory, any-means-to-an-end thinking utilized by sociopaths - not because they are brilliant. Law inforcement and psychiatric professionals who deal with these people have to understand what makes them tick.
But if you ask someone that riddle and they know the answer and they don't deal with sociopaths professionally ( or haven't seen it somewhere else already)......you just might want to use caution around them.