After my brief hiatus sleeping on a small uncomfortable cot in a small room, i'm out. For now. Good possibility of me going back, but for now i'm out. After a LOT of talking with my lawyer and the judge we got my sentence reduced. After i made my post here, i was sentenced to 8 years county jail, 3 suspended, and 10 years supervised probation with a $7000 fine, + court costs, + $75 for probation every month for 10 years. I served some time, (did you know you actually have to PAY to go to jail, these days?!) My lawyer was in deliberations with the court and was able to show the cell phone video my friend took of the incident. The court agreed that i was basically, baited into the situation. The reason the sentencing was so stiff, was because they thought i had simply "attacked" the guy. At first, they would not look at the cell phone video, saying basically that it wasn't good enough. Not exactly sure what was going on with that. But either way, my lawyer got everything reduced. The other fella is now under arrest. Not exactly sure what he's getting. Hopefully something. But my lawyer says their is a chance of me going back to jail to do more "time served". He said it would "look better" in the courts eyes. Saying that i realized i used excessive force and that that in itself is a jailable offense. I don't know, it's all kind of up in the air. All i know is when to show up too court next.
Anyway, i'm here for a while now. Just trying to stay warm and out of trouble. Nice sheet of freezing rain here in Idaho today. Supposed to get some snow on top of it today and tomorrow but who knows, in the high desert. Good too be back here, that's for sure.