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Music to scrap to.

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    auminer started this thread.
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    Music to scrap to.

    So, what do you guys listen to while you're scrapping?

    This topic came up briefly in another thread, & I mentioned that Blackberry Smoke tends to make my scrap yield more. They're not exactly a new band, but they haven't yet hit the big stage, though that appears to be on the way for them with recent developments. They're kinda like what might happen if Hank Jr wrote some lyrics, then collaborated with Angus Young to write some music, then an amalgam of Lynyrd Skynyrd & the Black Crowes played the resulting songs with hella attitude.

    I also play some Justin Townes Earle, Deadstring Brothers, The Steeldrivers, & that new kid Casey James in the country-ish genre; and pretty much anything you'll hear on a classic rock radio station; then maybe some Ryan Adams recent stuff and Joshua James when I'm feeling mellow.

    So what's your scrappin playlist include?

    EDIT... forgot about you can add vids. Check 'em out.

    Last edited by auminer; 01-26-2013 at 10:11 PM. Reason: add a vid
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  5. #3
    corycouch's Avatar
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    we got a radio station here thats called the JACK, they dont have a dj, and they say they play what they want. the first steve turned it on it was GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN and i was like come on and he said give it a minute, ENTER SANDMAN was next i was like wth, listening to it ever since, we hear everything everyday, from the beastie boys, michael jackson, bon jovi, faith no more, tone loc. the list is endless

    this isnt ours assuming its in MN buy you get the idea

    even with all this im country at heart
    Last edited by corycouch; 01-27-2013 at 06:21 AM.

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  7. #4
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Woohoo another chance to post my favorite artist.

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  9. #5
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    I listen to pretty much anything. Literally, anything. I mainly listen to country:

    To Jazz. Well, I guess I like this guy because I play trombone. LOL:

    To Pretty much any kind of rock from any time period.
    To Rap and Hip Hop:

    To Dubstep:

    To pretty much anything else. Yea, I like having variety on my phone so I can just hit Shuffle and there will always be something I like.
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  11. #6
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    I'm not talented enough to link videos with my un tech like text!

    Skynyrd, Led Zepplin, Iron Maiden,ZZtop..and of course..thanks to the awesomeness that is Auminer Blackberry Smoke(might see'm when they visit nc/va). Hendrix, Pink Floyd, CCR, Joplin, Bad company,the Stones, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Clapton and tons of other classic rock. I also dig some country, very very little rap, some new rock, though most of it's crap these soul man. I could go on all day, but as it is, I think I'll stop now and pop in some SRV and listen to some Little Wing and texas flood.

    Nothing keeps me going rock steady(see what I did there) like some good ol'rock n roll. BB King or Hendrix..all good with me. If it's auto-tuned (looking at you bieber, and every other pop idiot out there) you can keep it.

    Sirscrapalot - May not have the best taste in music, but it gets the job done, and makes him happy.

  12. #7
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    I was actually thinking about something like this yesterday, but since I'm new here I thought it was a little soon to ask. My tastes are all over the map but while scrapping I tend to listen to a lot of metal. It just seems appropriate. Very hard to listen to bands like Converge or Pig Destroyer and not want to break everything around you. For ewaste times I have to take it down a notch and listen to Johnny Cash or Elvis Costello so I can keep things under control.
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  13. #8
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    lol..holedigger. I hear you on that. Last time I tried breaking down a computer to Iron Maiden, Metallica, Megadeath, etc. It ended up in smaller pieces then I I save the crazy hard stuff for beating the hell out of things. I use the classic rock and country for ewaste, and stripping wire and such things.

    Beach chairs annoy me greatly, so I bust out the hard music for those as I take great pleasure in beating them to a mangled pulp.

    I also have a compilation of annoying music that I use to get revenge on the tourists down here who feel compelled to blast their music at 2 am on a Monday revenge..Slayer at max level at 5 am if that fails, I resort to Rebecca Black's Friday. (do not google this video if you, you have no one to blame but yourself, you've been warned.). LOL. My neighbors who rent the houses must have learned to not to rent to idiots anymore cause I haven't had to do it since June.

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  15. #9
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    I forgot about Friday! Hilarious! Someone actually did a heavy metal remake of that song and dubbed it over the original video. Wish I knew how to post links from my phone so I could share it. May have to put that on tomorrow when I got through my bucket of yokes.

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  17. #10
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    Sirscrapalot- I, too, am surrounded by vacation rentals (always idiots) and revenge music is the best music. After dealing with inappropriate rap lyrics being played at top volume next door until 11pm, I let my daughter's entire sleepover group (13 teenaged girls) open the windows and sing along with Bieber and One Direction until midnight. Welcome to the mountains, city boys!!!!

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  19. #11
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Oldbarnz...thats just cruel. An I totally love it. Ha!

    Me and Oldbarnz may seem mean but untill you live next to weekly don't know our pain. Thankfully the season is short, and when they stop renting my street is all mine till the following spring.

    and in keeping with the topic I leave you with a good ol' patriotic diddy by Mr. Johnny Cash..

    Sirscrapalot - Now knows how to link videos...beware.

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  21. #12
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    I listen to Right Wing Extremist talk radio. Hannity, Levin, Limbaugh, any of them.

    Guess that makes me the boring fuddy-duddy of the group.
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  23. #13
    greytruck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    Slayer at max level

    Its all straight Death metal for greytruck.

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  25. #14
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Or one could say you listen to the Orginial kings of comedy. :P I tease Burly, don't send the kneecappers after me!

    Sirscrapalot - Going into witness protection now!

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  27. #15
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    I listen to country music mostley. However I listen to a lot of talk radio. I am a closet nerd. But I also enjoy some christian, ska, punk, classical, jazz, blues, and nerdy white guy parody rap! LOL!

    and last one, I promise:

    Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.
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  29. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hypoman View Post
    and nerdy white guy parody rap...
    "and I don't even carry a gun," yet he is holding one the entire time. Is this some kind of hidden message?

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  31. #17
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    i listen to a wide variety of music. i have a playlist with everything from Avril Lavigne to Mozart that i relax to while breaking down appliances. say what you want... i like it!
    i do have some Zeppelin, Def Leppard, Creedence, Hendrix on that list but my all-time favorite is still Matchbox 20.

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  33. #18
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Ok ok...My last post on this topic for a bit..

    Just for Auminer..IF I already didn't like them, this would get me to be a fan.

    For the rest of you...a couple for laughs..

    And one more..

    Sirscrapalot - Slacking on a Sunday.

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  35. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gravitar View Post
    "and I don't even carry a gun," yet he is holding one the entire time. Is this some kind of hidden message?

    Ahh yes, Krispy Kreme. I love Krispy Kreme! LOL! That act is hilarious! The retarded rapper act. Thanks for that!

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  36. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by NWOdrudge View Post
    i listen to a wide variety of music. i have a playlist with everything from Avril Lavigne to Mozart that i relax to while breaking down appliances. say what you want... i like it!
    i do have some Zeppelin, Def Leppard, Creedence, Hendrix on that list but my all-time favorite is still Matchbox 20.

    Hey man, I find I am most productive when listening to classical. So its alright by me!

    I don't know if it's a sign of all the chaos that is happening out there or not, but I've lately craved the structure and order of classical music, the balance and symmetry.
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