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  1. #1
    andrew1990 started this thread.
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    Qusetions about how my old car was disposed of?

    Alright so I was just researching insurance on my vehicle when I came across my first car still listed and titled under my name. The story is

    1)I sold the car to my brother about 2 years ago with an agreement that he would make payments on it and it would still be kept under my name.

    2)My brother did not keep his word but did pay me about 60% of what he owed me in the end.

    3)He was supposed to pay the insurance but he did not have enough to cover it. I told him he is not allowed to drive it without insurance.

    4)After argueing with him after a run in with the police, I gave him the signed title and told him to get it transferred. I took MY plates off the car so he couldnt drive it.

    5)He couldnt afford to transfer the title so he just brought it to the junk yard and scrapped it for beer money.

    Now it seems that he nor the junkyard never transferred the title. Do to this being a sketchy junkyard, they never took down my brothers ID or any information. Now the car is still sitting in their yard somewhat parted out.

    Could I just claim a lost title, wait the 45 days for any disputes, and go their to claim my old car back? This may or may not be illegal, although the junkyard is floating the title it seems which is illegal.

  2. #2
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    in theory you probably could. In nys I believe you have 30 days from when the title is signed and dated to transfer it, I'm not sure about other states but 2 years is quite a while.

    The legality of doing this is questionable. In terms of is it right or wrong? Its a dishonest thing to do.

  3. #3
    Mick's Avatar
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    If I understand this, you signed it over to your brother, He then supposedly signed it over to the scrap yard.

    You transferred title and have no claim to it.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

  4. #4
    andrew1990 started this thread.
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    Well pretty much my brothers and my name is on it but he never signed it over to the scrap yard. Of course Im not going to try getting it back through claiming its mine. Its more of me being bored and curious.

    I may try going there and offering to purchase it back though. Would be a nice restoration project lol

  5. #5
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    People who dabble in the grey areas of law baffle my mind.

    I sold a car that the buyer never transferred into his name then used the car in a hold up, since that day the police surrounded my home I do the transfers myself same as a car lot would.
    Last edited by gustavus; 02-02-2013 at 08:59 PM.

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