Originally Posted by
'Or become a buyer yourself and beat their prices. Not everyone here has the time to sell on
ebay or to shop around and search the web for better prices. Some of us need to turn materials quickly for one reason or another. Keep the criticism constructive everyone.
Keep this in mind as well...you don't have to sell to them, and they don't have to buy from you. '
Also its important to note theses a difference between buying and downright taking advantage of people. If its a valid offer, i have no beef with that. However if you are preying on unknowledgeable people, i have a big problem with that. And that is what ive been seeing latley. If your gonna make offers to buy please make fair offers, that is my only request. Otherwise you are going against the grain of this forums principles of educating and maximizing profits that we stand for. The buyers area is a place for sellers to feel comfortable selling. We dont need buyers taking advantage of sellers and ruining it for the rest of us that treat people fair.
So, in response i am offering to do and have already applied brasscatchers and micks recommendations. To offer to buy a much larger pool of items at better prices. I dont want to see anyone get 10% of what there item is worth so i think i can make a fair offer for the goods. I am in 100% support of fair trade.
You don't have any place to say what someone should or shouldn't pay for something, or why. If the prospect doesn't like the prices they will go elsewhere.
Perfect example, Yea you could get more than $5 for a CPU, but you'll have to market it, test it, take the risk of refunds/returns, etc. Some people will take the convenience factor, take the $5 for the CPU and let someone else deal with it. Or turn around and sell them by the pound and potentially make even less. Some people choose not to clean the solder from their copper and make it #1 instead of #2, that's their own choice.
If you have a personal "beef (as you put it)" because of how someone is doing things, take it up via PM or email, not on their advertisement or on the public forum.
The point is why would you go out of your way to criticize somebody's prices/business/decisions, ESPECIALLY doing it on their paid advertisement, when you don't even have any intentions of dealing with this person, purely because they don't do things the way 'you believe' they should be done.
If you don't have any intentions of dealing with a buyer/seller advertising here, aren't providing feedback as a result of dealing with them, you shouldn't be posting on their thread at all.