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  1. #21
    *throws up hands*

    I tried. And that's all I have to do.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gangel View Post
    *throws up hands*

    I tried. And that's all I have to do.
    thank you gangel
    expect the worst and hope for the best
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  4. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gangel View Post
    I know it never makes sense what I type, but I also know I'm not the only one who sees things differently. I still highly recomend pulling this whole topic. It will get used against you someday. Lawyers get paid 250 bucks an hour to scan the internet for your name. And it will show up. Years from now. When you least expect it.
    And it will "show up" as a good guy doing what he believes and knows to be right. About the only thing done "wrong" would be driving by the place, and as Cory says, it's on a main, central road. If I were in his shoes, I could easily live with that.

    Cory, you've shown your character on these forums many times. Your love for your daughters is obvious, and comes through in your posts. Your daughters -know- you love them to pieces, and only want what's best for them. I know you know this, but they have to deal with only hearing the negative crap about you, from the ex and inlaws. That's tough for a child to deal with, even when they know it's not true. They're already at a confusing enough time of life, and this just adds to all that. Just keep on loving them unconditionally as you're doing. They know the truth, and after a while nothing your ex or her family does, like cutting you down, or bribing them, or harassing the girls about you, will make any difference to them whatsoever.

    On a happier note, I know you're going to have an incredible weekend with the girls. I will keep you and them in my prayers, my friend.

    PS. I'm curious... how tall are ya? I'm thinking you gotta be a BMF when guys in jail comment on it.

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    thank you for sharing your story. as a kid my parents did the messy divorce, used us as pawns (all my mother) and my father never siad one disrespectful word to us about her. the example he set for me in raising my boys is one that i think about daily. ill never understand where he got the paitience to deal with us kids, but he had it. there were times when we wouldn't get to see him for months on end, and my mother would tell us that we just werent important enough, or have us get ready and then he wouldn't show up, there were several years of these games, and after i graduated i moved into his house untill i turned 18 and joined the marines. when i got out of the military i moved back in with him and my little brother who was living there. we had 4 years of living together to build the relationship we wanted before he was dagnosed with terminal lung cancer. He passed away 6 days after i got married. every day i regret that he isn't here, but i'm thankful for the time we did have.
    no matter what thier mother says, they will have thier own ideas and opinions and it's more than likely at 12 and 14 they are all ready well on thier way to being formed about you. so keep on trucking. as they say. and in 4 more years when the odest says dad will you pay for my college, say sure. and haull more cars cause books aren't cheap.

    church. it's like family, but closer. when your sick family may call to see how your doing, but church people will bring you dinner or take the kids to school. in dec 08 we had a house fire which was a total loss, thanks to our church within 24 hours we had a apartment, clothes and furnature. it's the kind of place where you won't be judged (even if you show up in greasy overalls). the value of the couple of hours that you spend on sunday cannot be measured with human hands.

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    zito your comments are almost like your in that house, i only know it because ive sat at the same table hearing them talk about the other guys, im assuming you want know my height because of my weight, im really a short guy for my weight but somewhere between 5-10 5-11, i don't take many pics but dad took this one of me when i was loading a nailgun, that's a bostich framing nailer not a finish nailer i guess compare it to my forearm it will give you a good idea.

    edit, also those are true 2x6 boards that i cut on my sawmill
    Last edited by corycouch; 04-24-2013 at 02:22 AM.

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  10. #26
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    Cory i am truly sorry for the badtime you had to go thru. Its sounds like your ex-inlaws are a piece of work and I would recommend that you keep your distance as much as possible. I reserve comment on the ex since at one time you loved each other enough to bring your beautiful kids into this world, so at least she did that much for you. Keep your head up and I am sure all things will work out in the end. I have a 12 year old daughter and she likes to push the envelope with me as well. Its part of growing up I guess and the best we can do is guide them in the right direction and lead by example. Hopefully soon the only example they will be following is yours and not the people they are living with now. Good luck my friend and I hope its all sunshine and smiles this weekend for you and the girls.
    I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.” John Wayne-- The Shootist


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  12. #27
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    Be carefull Cory, it looks like your about to nail your taters.LOL

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  14. #28
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    I think "stout" would be a good description! And nice timbers there. They look like oak? I swoon over hardwood timber like that. Heck, even Douglas fir is almost an exotic hardwood here now, instead of "just" being structural lumber. $7 per lineal foot of 1x6", when 16' 2"x12" used to go for $0.70 a foot. Oh well, we'll never run out of poplar, I guess.

    Sorry for the thread derail =)

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  16. #29
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    When I was looking at a car hauler recently and had a question about axle placement I sent a PM to Cory for his opinion and to my surprise rather then answer in a PM he called me. Great guy to have on your side...his ex in-laws are missing out.

    New laws going into effect here in Colorado about owning firearms if you have a domestic violence arrests...I would caution everyone to be careful.
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  18. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by corycouch View Post
    Before any of you read this and to try not to leave too much out it will be pretty long , this is mainly about parenting, also before the story below I had never been in trouble for anything other than some speeding tickets in my teens and twentys. even though I look the part of a thug or a punk just because of my size I am very humble and have never hit anyone in violence

    1st a little background, (what was here was pretty good but I decided to take it out). the local police department has a video of the ex wife jumping a curb at 80 mph. her parents are the kind of people that sit around the kitchen table *****ing about other people instead of fixing their own problems. they have beat down countless ex boyfriends and husbands of their three daughters, all have been divorced at least once. I know the last guy my ex was married to was a good guy. my ex never has been able to keep a job, she even got fired from one her mom was the office manager of and her boss went over her head. also, her dad is pretty much worthless, never been able to keep a job either and finally lucked out on some disability, I knew a few of the guys he worked with before and the common term was useless. my ex and my kids live in this household

    This is a personal issue of mine that started back on 2-2-13. I know the older guys on here know about me and my girls. they are both super good kids and really smart especially considering the environment they are in. they don't have any rules, my oldest missed the bus one day and no one even took her to school. my ex has contacted me numerous times saying she couldn't handle her attitude. now to the point, my oldest was running her mouth just like her youngest aunt (snotty is a nice way to explain her) and we was in a argument. I started by sending her to the corner ( I know my 14 year old in a corner) and she said its not like it will matter anyway, I grab her by the arm and push her on the couch, not hard just to the couch,she was still yelling and screaming I pulled her up and spanked her on the butt, she pulled away and , fell, I tell her to get ready and she is going with me to the scrap yard, yelling and screaming still I spanked her twice more on the way to the truck. my 12 year old stayed at home as she wasn't in any trouble. by time we got to the scrap yard we were talking and talking good, I tell her I care about her and only punish her because I want respect and when she grows up she can't act like that, I tell her I don't want her to see her to grow up like me and struggling to get by or end up like her mom(and I left it at that) we were talking good and it was over, on our way to having a good weekend. we get in the truck from getting paid and my exs other ex husband calls me and says whats going on, I said what do you mean and he said my ex said I hit my oldest, I said good grief, about that time 3 police cars pull to the exit of the scrap yard and pull up to one and asked if he was looking for me and he said yes. my youngest had texted her mom about the spanking. while the police were talking to me a JACK@$$ flew up in a truck and the cop said whats this idiot doing and the JACK@$$ jumped outa the truck and said arrest that son of a b!tch, if you've not figured it out yet my ex father in law. soon they are all there telling the police what an ass I am and I beat the kids all the time, ridiculous. remember they lie constantly feeling better about their selves. shorten it up a little I ended up in jail and the last thing I saw in the parking lot was the JACK@$$ shaking the cops hand and smiling.

    now jail, im sure some of you have been, some of you have not, I can no longer tell you ive never been. yes sirs and no sirs go along ways and its easy for me as ill say yes sir and mam to everyone in general conversation. the food sucks for the most part but the koolaid is pretty good. I seen guys make potato skin cigarettes, make burittos outa fritos, ramen noodles and spray cheese. I got a head ache the first night and realized it was because I hadn't had caffeine since that morning , the next morning it was gone. my bunk had a good view of the tv and I watched war of the worlds the first night. I try to take something from everything and I did the same with jail, it wasn't bad but that doesn't mean I want to go back. I played several games of chess which I hadn't done since high school, I had one guy beat me on Monday morning other than that I won the rest. one guy came up to me and said your a Christian aren't you and I told him I was raised that way but havnt been to church in years. my name was big guy while I was in there, (when walking by I heard that's one big MF several times) I weigh 260 and when in high school 20+ years ago I was bench pressing 350 and aside from my gut ive acquired im still solid. I never told anyone why I was there but they seemed to think I didn't belong even though I fit in really well while I was there. I ended up staying for 2 nights and steve and dustin scrapped out two cars to make my bail as I had all the money in my wallet and it was locked up at the jail. at this point even though they will never read this I want to thank john henry for picking up my truck for me, joe banks the bondsman which we buy cars from, we didn't use his money but he sped up the process of me getting out, and the police officer who arrested me, he let me make the phone calls I needed to before I went to jail.

    when I get out I get served a restraining order from family court against my daughters and my ex wife(I wish that part could stick) in addition to a restraining order for my oldest on criminal charges.

    criminal court. when I met my lawyer after I got out of jail I told him the truth start to finish and didn't leave anything out. he didn't seem concerned too much as im sure he has seen it all. I cant prove the following but I know its true, the ex inlaws had a couple months to drill my kids, when my youngest testified her story wasn't even close to the truth making it sound awful, but my lawyer picked it apart, my oldest for the most part told the truth, I felt bad for both of them as they were crying but I do know it had to be done. after we all testified the judge called me up and said he was going to postpone his judgement until after family court, but he lifted his restraining order but informed me the family court order was still in place, I was like whats going on to my lawyer and he was smiling, he said that's the same as a not guilty he just can't say it until after the family court, he said we had a win. the ex in laws were p!ssed and stormed out of the courtroom.

    family court was yesterday, I get there early, dustin said he seen my ex outside talking to a lady and the lady said what do you want for me to do and that was all he heard and kept walking. that lady was her lawyer, they tried to get a continuance on theirs and my lawyer said theres no way, he hasn't seen his kids in weeks he wants this to be over with, they knew they didn't have a case against me and was just trying to keep me from my kids for a longer time. they ended up going up front to the judge and having to drop the case which was good and bad for me, as we had saved the best stuff for family court which will remain secret in case I need it in the future.

    I was able to drive by my girls house afterthis which I did and I seen the JACK@$$ out of the corner of my eye and I could hear him yelling at me and I just smiled

    tomorrow im going to the dreaded house for the first time in a couple months to get my kids, I cant wait to see them and to tell them I love them and im not mad at them for anything, also this coming weekend is mine also you cant imagine how happy I was when I counted up the weeks and it was mine. just wanted to share im sure a few of you have had similar stories in your past thanks for listening cory couch

    Cory, sorry you have in laws like that man. I have read just about every single post you have ever posted, and I for one can say that all those allegations, I know would never be true!

    Happy to hear that things worked out for you my brother. Keep your chin raised high, and go grab your girls, and have a wonderful weekend!
    George Beale - Founder & President -
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    the wood is red oak and no need to be sorry at all


    thank you very much, my criminal restraining order I had to take my guns to my parents, it wasn't on the family one but both are lifted now. by the way hows that new trailer doing?

    gb and everyone else ive not responded to directly thank you very much
    Last edited by corycouch; 04-24-2013 at 08:38 AM.

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  22. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by corycouch View Post
    by the way hows that new trailer doing?
    I don't want to hijack your thread but 2 snow storms since I got it so I haven't got it ready to go to work yet...Got the old trailer ready to sell but need it for one last job on Friday.

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  24. #33
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    May I suggest counseling? Your daughter is at that age where you will probably see this kind of behavior again and you may be tempted to respond to it the same way again and so forth and so on. You need to widen your parenting repertoire before something much worse happens (wait till she starts dating!). If you can't afford it there are often community mental health centers that are income based.
    Success consists of going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm...... Churchill

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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrapette View Post
    May I suggest counseling? Your daughter is at that age where you will probably see this kind of behavior again and you may be tempted to respond to it the same way again and so forth and so on. You need to widen your parenting repertoire before something much worse happens (wait till she starts dating!). If you can't afford it there are often community mental health centers that are income based.
    thank you scrapette, I was hoping to get a ladies point of view. I have thought about it and won't rule it out, getting ready to head down to moms and ill let everyone know how it went when I get back home, hope everyone had a great day.

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    in today's nanny state/politically correct world ,where justice is usually only what you can afford yours is a tough situation,

    sometimes you can take take "trailer trash/ghetto" out of the person but usually you cant.

    obviously they are not very integument people if all they can think of to do is sit around the table and talk about other people. I know these kind of people well, and I sort of know you. so just simply be smarter then they are , and when this type of situation arises just beat them to the authority and show them (the authority s) you are trying to do the right thing.

    Don't play the nose pickers game they have had a life time of practice.

    get to the "authority s" first when a situation arises show the home services people and the police you are trying to do the right thing, Even I am not beyond doing a little but* kissing when absolutely necessary. just my .02
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 04-24-2013 at 06:08 PM.
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    thanks olddude, yea they have lots of practice and I couldn't try to keep up if I wanted.

    tonight went better than I could have expected, the ex showed up earlier than expected and was actually supportive, at first they were not wanting to get out but I told them their cousin would be their in a few minutes and that helped. me and my oldest talked for a few minutes by ourselves and I even got a little smile outa her, then I talked to my youngest and it was easy. we ate pizza and wings from foxs pizza and at first the oldest didn't want to eat but after 10 minutes give or take she asked for a plate. my youngest and my nephew played outside after we ate and my oldest went to the living room and played on her phone, I give her a few minutes and went in there and talked to her some more, I mostly got short answers which was still good for me. she asked me if I could find an old game for her she used to play call LETS RIDE on the ps2, I got home and found the game but I couldn't fnd a ps2 but ill pick one up at my buddies pawn shop tomorrow, she wants to play it this weekend. my mom gave them each a manicure set she had picked up at a health fair this week and they liked them. the ex showed up late about 8:25 so I got to keep them a little longer but they were ready to leave at 8. again im very happy the way it went, I think this weekend will be a little better. I want to thank EVERYONE on here for their support, you guys have helped me more than you know

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    with the girls you need to keep one thing in your heart and mind, in their eyes no matter what, YOU, will always be dad,

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    Not sure if someone said this yet. My friend would have the police meet him at his ex's everytime he picked up the kids. This way
    nobody was able to pull anything.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TK98 View Post
    Not sure if someone said this yet. My friend would have the police meet him at his ex's everytime he picked up the kids. This way
    nobody was able to pull anything.
    I called the sheriffs office requesting this very service, they said they couldn't get involved UNTIL there was an incident, the ex has brought and picked up the kids so far. I just got done with my weekend visit a couple hours ago and it went really well.

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    Quote Originally Posted by corycouch View Post
    I called the sheriffs office requesting this very service, they said they couldn't get involved UNTIL there was an incident, the ex has brought and picked up the kids so far. I just got done with my weekend visit a couple hours ago and it went really well.
    wow cory sorry to hear about all this

    btw the above statement is not actually true in nj you can pay to have the police escort they take o off duty cop whgo wants to make some extra $$$ and give him $40 an hour

    i have an extensive criminal past and had to do this several times to remove my belongings form building where i had restraining orders against me
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