In this business you have to know the value of things before hitting the yard. If you don't it is easy to be ripped off. I went to our local ewaste yard this morning to sell some boards and coax. I have never sold ewaste before. Now I know nothing about computers, But due to this site I know what my stuff is worth. Get to the scale sell my cable and start asking what the price is for cell phone boards. .75/lb Told him he was out of his mind. Then asked about motherboards. 0.75/lb Told him there was not a chance in heck. Then started asking if he bought TA caps. (thanks for the knowledge Etack) To my surprise he was the owner of the yard. I got taken to the back and given an entire tour of the operation. recieving/processing/shipping. learned alot but didnt let on I was learning. Then told him I would purchase all his hi grade boards for $2.00/lb. He asked me how I could make a profit buying boards at that price. I looked him right in the face with out missing a beat and said, "Im sorry sir but I can not answer questions or assist you with setting up any of your business for less than $300.00 an hour consulting fee." Now he didnt bite but I was so far into this guy thinking I was educated about ewaste I could not answer a question with I dont know. I went to the yard knowing solely what my stuff was worth that is it. But like Burly said (something like) You have to act like your Big even if your operation is small. So thank you to everyone for sharing there knowledge. Made the owner of the yard think I knew way more about his stuff than he did. In all fairness though they have only been open for two yrs. but I didnt take my first computer apart till a month ago.