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Heat wave

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  1. #1
    Jonniebrass started this thread.
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    Cool Heat wave

    Been one hot July for most of us. I work on my enclosed front porch and have not broke anything down in 3 weeks. I did finally find another scrapper to take my monitors and tvs off my hands so at least I cleared up some space. Heat is supposed to break today with a drop in the jet stream and some thunderstorms. Looking forward for the 80's and some breathable air.

  2. #2
    Mick's Avatar
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    I didn't do anything for about a week. Last three days or so, been breaking down HDDs on the living room table in the AC. Hopefully I can get back to work in my cabin in a couple days.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

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  4. #3
    auminer's Avatar
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    It's been kinda nice around here lately... only in the upper 90s.
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  5. #4
    msearl3244's Avatar
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    Thank God half of my shop is air conditioned. We have large fans in the other half also. We keep a lot of air moving.

    It has been hot here in Iowa also. Mid to high 90's. But then, it is July. If I were a gambling man, It would be a safe bet that it was going to be in the 90's in July here. Nothing unusual about that. It was still very wet and cold here in May, so I am happy that it is warmer now. One of the things I like about living in Iowa is having all 4 seasons. Some heat and humidity is what makes July, July.

    I have been doing recycling for a lot of schools around here. I do it every summer. They are not air conditioned in the summer. We just pace ourselves and drink a lot of water. I then check my gratitude against the fact that I am not doing hot tar roofing or hot asphalt paving. Not that there is anything wrong with those jobs, they are just not for me and I am grateful I am doing this instead of those jobs.

    I do know if one were to choose to do this full time like I do, They still send the bills when it is hot or cold. I still have to work to pay them. I guess you just do what you have to do.

    Sometimes you just have to work smarter, like working in the evening or having a work=space that is climate controlled.

    Be safe out there and stay hydrated.

    There is good and bad with every job you do.

    I have a good friend that we kid each other back and forth. He razzes me all winter about himself getting paid not to work while I razz him about being hot and miserable in the summer running a lay-down machine for a highway paving company.
    There may a million better places to live than Iowa, but none of them are home!

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  7. #5
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    My downstairs shop isn't AC'd..but hey, that's why I live on a sandbar. It gets to hot during the, I take a break, swap clothes an go jump in the ocean or sound, depending on my mood, then get back to it.

    For me..I don't mind the high temps, it's the humidity that sucks. Now is when I miss being in Tucson.

    Sirscrapalot - Will take a 110 Tucson, Az dry heat anyday over east coast humidity.

  8. #6
    newattitude's Avatar
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    I didn't break down anything for two days this week because of the heat, today its raining and much cooler so now I can get caught up on the pile in my garage.

  9. #7
    jord0690's Avatar
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    Had to work in a stifling hot shop the whole week. No fans or ac was 40+ celcius with humidity. It sucked big time. Didn't think it could get that hot up here for that long.
    If I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all...

    GC Metal Recycling & Recovery
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  10. #8
    Mick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jord0690 View Post
    Had to work in a stifling hot shop the whole week. No fans or ac was 40+ celcius with humidity. It sucked big time. Didn't think it could get that hot up here for that long.
    You had me going till I realized 40C would be around 100F.

  11. #9
    jord0690's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mick View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by jord0690 View Post
    Had to work in a stifling hot shop the whole week. No fans or ac was 40+ celcius with humidity. It sucked big time. Didn't think it could get that hot up here for that long.
    You had me going till I realized 40C would be around 100F.
    Hahaha well 40F is still t shirt weather for us canucks!

  12. #10
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    Been workin my butt off last couple of weeks. Been polishing off my first gallon of water by about 10am it seems to come out as fast as it goes in. three metal hauls, 50 hour weeks digging and moving piles of rock,loam. But took one of my rare days off yesterday "wifes birthday" and we went to the lake all day out to eat in ac restaurant I felt cold the whole time lol
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  13. #11
    Jonniebrass started this thread.
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    Just drove 35 miles to the west to my seasonal camp at the lake. About 15 degrees cooler and less humidity. Its amazing what a few hundred feet in elevation does. I love the Berkshires.

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  15. #12
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Want to cool down? Come to Florida, been in the 80's with rain every day. Boy, you guys and dolls get mid to upper 90's for a few days and you would think the worlds coming to an end. Most of the time in the summer we are in the upper 90's for four or five months at a time. The people in Texas get even hotter than that. But then again I couldn't handle the snow you guys get in the winter so I guess it evens itself out. Sirscrapalot got it right, traveling cooler.

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  17. #13
    BarrenRealms007's Avatar
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    I have a thermometer in the cab of my truck that has been reading 110-115 around lunch time. The cab of the truck feels like it is air conditioned compared to the roof that I have been working on, they have a white reflective surface so the temp on the roof's are probably running 120-130 with the high humidiy. It rained cats and dogs Thursday and I stood out in it and said than you GOD..

    You have to learn to put your ind some where else and ignore the heat to get the job done.
    We buy electronic scrap, Gold Karat scrap, gold filled, refined gold, silver and many other item's.

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  19. #14
    Jonniebrass started this thread.
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    I work in a plastics plant with ac. It was 90 in the printing room Thursday sure glad I don't work outside anymore.

  20. #15
    auminer's Avatar
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    When I was on the USS Kitty Hawk, I worked down in 4 Main Machinery Room. (the old oil-powered carriers have 4 separate enginerooms, and 4 shafts leading to 4 propellers). Each engineroom had 2 boilers, a high pressure turbine, an LP turbine, and what's called a Deaerating Feed Tank (DFT): a ~3600 gallon tank with water at ~250° in it. Those are the major heat sources although there were others. One spot I had to take 4 readings in was right in between one of the boilers and the DFT. Ambient air temp there hovered between 140° and 150°. Let me tell you: I got real adept at holding my breath, poking my head in there, unfocusing my eyes, and taking a mental snapshot of the angle of the dial on those 4 guages and then stepping back & mentally converting those angles into temperatures!

    But even in the other parts of the engineroom, it was always hot. There were about a dozen 12" ventilation pipes that pumped in ""cool"" air down there. I used the quotes for a reason: Each pipe had a thermometer in it, shoved way up in there. As part of the Navy's Physiological Heat Exposure Limits program, we had to track the temps on those thermometers. As long as the air pumping down to keep us cool was under 100°, all was good. If it went higher, we had to shorten up our shifts from 6 to 4 or even 3 hours, which really sucked, working 3 hours on 3 hours off... There's not enough TIME to shower, eat, catch any meaningful sleep, and then get back to the pit in 3 hours. I can neither confirm nor deny that sometimes those readings got fudged to prevent any PHEL shifts from happening.

    So... whenever I feel like whining about a 105° Texas day, I just remember how bad some others have got it. I do kinda miss those summertime days in Dillon, CO, though: the record high temp there since recordkeeping began in 1850-something is 88°.
    Last edited by auminer; 07-21-2013 at 09:21 AM. Reason: Cain't spel

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  22. #16
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Nice thing about Denver is 90's at 10% humidity is very tolerable, especially if there is a breeze AND swamp/evaporative coolers work awesome here.
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  23. #17
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    lol--yea--its cool for texas,and im loveing it! Any day under 100 this time of year in texas is a good day.

  24. #18
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    USS Kitty Hawk!

    Woot..I know that name all to well.

    Sirscrapalot - Lives about 4 miles from the Wright Brothers Memorial, in Kitty Hawk.

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  26. #19
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    Mid nineties, but my building is all steel so it gets 120 in there by 1pm. Unbearable at my age. I'm only open 8-noon because of that. I just hate it,saps my strength in no time..6 more weeks and the Colorado gets nice again on the front range.

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