Kz, your post makes me chuckle because the garbage pickup day got changed out here so now, my Sunday with mom driving with me is done
and she won't give up Judge Judy on Thursdays to drive around -kind of, HER happy hour!
And, every time my youngest son brings me something from work he is always quick on asking how much it was worth. Plus, he always ether calls me or texts me when he does get something, even if its a sheet tray from the kitchen area. trade, my dad whines and cries about going to exercise class with her 3 days a week (omg, he HATES it on a serious level that borders on psychotic
, seriously, I hear about it when we drive around and I want to push hm out of the truck
and maybe needing medicine to calm it down lol) I offered to go with her on her day of choice so she doesn't have to miss this most healthy of excursions and we don't lose our day ''out'' together.
THEN.......then, she came up with this brilliant idea about cleaning. Yeeeeeah...........uh............I got some things in the garage needs broke down
.....uh huh, yeah, there's a bucket of motors waiting
. I don't believe she bought that.