Topic I've been thinking about, and I'd love to get thoughts on those who have been scrapping for years. Again, I've only been seriously scrapping for a few months. This is a part time / hobby interest for me, but I believe this applies to people who work full time.
I've become very good in my 9-5 job, and leaving it at 9-5. There are times when I'm working on a complex problem that I think about it a little outside of work, but for the most part it's the last thing on my mind when I walk out the door. Scrapping is another matter. I always have something going through my mind - thinking through working out another score, thinking what level I want to break things down, what is worth my time versus what isn't. I spend a little too much time on my 9-5 keeping an eye on craigs list/Facebook/
Ebay buying and selling. I should probably spend 30 minutes to an hour a day in the evening max scrapping. Maybe a few more hours on a Saturday. But I often get started and end up going until 2 in the morning. I'm also feeling like I'm spending my time at home taking things apart and my lunch breaks are spend putting things up on Ebay, making scrapyard runs, or taking plastic to the recycling center. In some ways, I think scrapping is a little addictive.
My life is already pretty busy. I've got a young family, and I love my time with my kids. I'm very active in our church, and spend a lot of time serving there. I can spare a little time here and there to scrap and learn how to scrap more effectively. But if it continues to take over time that should be spent elsewhere, I might have to go cold turkey and take a break.
Scrapping is hard work; and it takes time. Time acquiring, time breaking down, time selling, time thinking and taking steps on how to do better at the 3 key parts. I would think the same issues apply for those of you who are full time scrappers - maybe even more so.
So I would love to hear - how do you flip off the switch when it's time to be done scrapping? How do you allocate your time? What works well for you? Are you doing a good job / bad job of keeping balance between the many demands for your time?
I will offer up what works the best for me: Sundays. I was raised that Sunday is the Sabbath, and it's not a day for working. So, I go to church, and focus on other things each Sunday. I've come to love my Sundays as a break and a fresh reboot for the coming week - even before I was scrapping. Usually by Friday / Saturday my mania/enthusiasm to scrap is out of control and taking Sunday off and focusing on the most important things helps me reel it back in. But that's just me.