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Whats been going on.....

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    TheDude80 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Whats been going on.....

    So its been awhile since I've really been active on here and just wanted to give an update on whats been going on with me. I've been working for a roofing company for the last several months, and its been an interesting few months to say the least. Any of you who have done roofing in the past, for any length of time, I applaud you. It's by far the most physically exhausting work I've done to date, and some of my past jobs were not just sitting at a desk and answering calls either. On a positive note, I've lost about 15 pounds and have made an alright wage, but more importantly a couple possible contacts. Which leads me to where I'm at right now. I've accumulated a few small loads of e-waste from a couple different sources since then, all for free, and have been working with one individual in hopes of getting a small investment for a business. Nothing set in stone, as of yet, and I want all the details to be hashed out and make up a contract so everything is legit. Basically, they would be a silent partner who would get a percent of profit after the initial investment has been paid back. So just looking to get some input on what you might think. I know some of you have posted your past horror stories on failed parterships, or expressed your thoughts on why not to, but I'm hoping this one will be different. I can't really disclose all the details as of yet, but there are some factors that are actually really in my favor, so I guess we'll see.....

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  3. #2
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    I think most of us have at least one horror story about taking on a working partner. That being said, it sounds more like you're taking on venture capital. Do they bring anything to the table besides money? I've been on both sides of those kinds of deals with usually positive results. Just make sure all the details are spelled out on paper before you agree to anything. Good luck!

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    TheDude80 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Well after another stint of having no internet and not really being able to check up on the forum, I'm happy to say things are moving in the right direction. After almost two years of roofing, and by roofing I mainly mean laboring, I landed a temp job re-imaging the local school districts computers from Win XP to Win 7. The contract was originally set to end with the start of this coming school year, but it was hinted that I might have a more permanent position, provided I meet the necessary requirements before the school year begins. Nothing is set in stone of course, but I was pleased with what I heard, nevertheless. Thus far I've only manged a few monitors and a power supply, as far as e-waste goes, but the potential is there for much much more. I'm looking forward to catching up on here, and also see what direction things go in the coming months. Either way, Its in the right direction....

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    TheDude80 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I'm also looking to see how everyone else is doing, so those that thanked me....cough sirscrapalot, Mech, Miked, and (a new member to me at least metal) let me know how things have been going with you. Either PM or in the thread. I'm still going over the past few months posts, and its a little past 1:30 here. I'm tired but still enjoying the weekend and thinking of what might be...
    Last edited by TheDude80; 06-20-2014 at 10:40 PM.

  8. #5
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I'm one of the few who digs partners. Even after being burned before. I have one in some parts of my scrapping. One with cell phones an he's also the same one with regular scrap now an then. We're friends to, an guess we just mesh with the work we do together. I had one last year tho, who in the end did me wrong.

    Guess I just don't let it get to me. I didn't lose a lot like some, but it was enough to hurt for a tiny bit. Then I just moved on, no biggie. Karma will get dude back for screwing me. Kind already did, his new bride caught him with another chick, an divorced him.

    When it comes to partners, at lest for me..we have to click. Personality, work ethic, etc. An we have a firm understanding on the terms. Me an my current one on the two things we partner in, do fairly well. We split most things 50/50, including costs as we both drive, transport, etc. Some days we take my mini-van others we pull out his vehicle and trailer cause the load is to big for mine.

    We don't do the yard runs all the time either so that helps, an a lot of our partnering revolves around the cell phones. We both buy cell phones locally an via other sources, an we split that cost as agreed. In the end it all works out for us. It's a weird partnership but it works, an we're both happy. He doesn't care to do this on his own, not in his nature. An is involved in other things to keep busy, so I don't fear a sudden hostile take over. Heh.

    If I had someone investing, then I would have the terms properly written up, agreed upon, etc etc. CYA for both parties. Explain each others parts in it all. Will the investor have a say in your business? or just be a minority holder...who lets you run it, long he sees a proper return? I think I'm saying that right..Or does he expect a bigger say in how you run things? Again CYA.

    Congrats on the weight loss! Always good to strive to be healthier.

    Welcome back Dude!

    Sorry for the novel, but hey, maybe it'll help you with your partnership. As always good luck an let us know how things work out for ya.

    Sirscrapalot - Status = Alive, happy, an living life.

  9. #6
    TheDude80 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Running total thus far from my job is 10 Dell E178 Monitors, and a few power supplies. I've waited a couple weeks before just asking out right if I could collect all of their e-waste they are just throwing out. This temp position could very easily turn into a full-time job/career, so I've focused on doing my job, and doing it well. I've mentioned to the gentlemen in charge of the project that I recycle electronic waste and would take the items I've gotten thus far in the past two weeks. I'm thinking about talking with him, this week, during one of our breaks. There are a handful of us that smoke so we usually talk about the job and whatever else during that time, and I know there is plenty more that they are just tossing in the trash. Its going to take some logistics and talking with the head of IT, but I'm feeling confident that I can provide a much needed service to them, and help improve their "green" image. I'll keep updating this thread as things change. Here's to the future, whatever it might bring...

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  11. #7
    scrapme is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I am beginning to think anytime interest is showed in specific item types that the inquiring mind will want to find out why there's such interest.
    Reason being, I was asked specifically by a buyer who resells (though may not admit it!) for Bulova watches, out of all he could have ask for…piqued my curiosity.
    Researched and now understand a bit better why he wants them specifically. Now I am keeping them for myself and not selling cheaply to him!
    It started me wanting to research more anytime I witness someone wanting specific items that may appear useless…

    Good luck, and keep the pics coming! You'll find ways of pulling money from whatever you get!

  12. #8
    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    We'll let me first start by saying hello ! Things are very busy for me lately . I'm at auctions at least three times a week and living in my garage . I have had multiple inquires about my ewaste services , I had a small pick up today and have a large server purchase in the works . But the best I will save for when it is completed . It involves free palets of electronics and I'm giddy just thinking about it . I have started a post of my shop and finds . I mislabeled it but will continue to update it regularly .

    Besides breaking down, sorting, purchasing I'm prepping for my first son so I have never been so busy . I wouldn't trade it for the world.

  13. #9
    TheDude80 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Hey Metal, congrats on the coming of your first son. I have adopted three kids, via my girlfriend, and although it hasn't always been easy its a great feeling. I look forward to checking out your post while you continue to update it. Here's to your and my hopeful success. Keep us updated.

  14. #10
    TheDude80 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    So works been going well the past week or so. The company I work for fired half the employees they hired for this particular contract. I've been trying to keep busy and make sure that all my work is done right the first time. Nobody wants to have someone come back around and clean up their mess, so to speak. I've just been focused on the job, more then trying to acquire their E-waste. Other then that, I've really only bid/won a few auctions as of late. I did get an email regarding my craigslist ad, so we'll see if anything pans out with that. My neighbor did however show me an interesting vintage all-in-one. It was an Compaq portable 101709 Circa 1985. Apparently the guy he knows has three more just like it. I popped open the case and it was flawless. No rust, dust, or any real signs of wear. Even the case is in almost perfect condition. Not sure if any of them worked or not, but he was going to try and mess around with it later tonight. I told him to let me know, what he finds out and I would do the same. Perhaps FLimits can chime in and let me know if she, or anyone she knows might have an interest. From the little searching I have done there current value is a far cry from the $3,000 they cost back in 1985 but can still pull in between $50-100 depending. Hopefully my next post will include some pics and hauls I've made. As the saying on here goes, "If you don't have pics, it didn't happen", or something along them lines ...

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