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I don't have a saying, but I can relate a discovery.
Having been a hoarder (is that possible - "having been"?) I often tell people who will listen that I can keep something for
25 years, not have had a use for it yet, and be persuaded by swmbo to dispose of it.
The human mind is a powerful thing. The very next day, or at least in the next week or so, that item I was persuaded to
chuck out will suddenly turn out to have been ideal for a project I'm working on. What do you guys say in the USA - Go Figure?
That was once a way of life here too scrappa, but it wasn't called "hoarding", it was called "surviving. Even during the dark days of the great depression and the dust bowl there was little scrapping being done, if people lacked work, they'd throw a hoe across their shoulder and go looking for some. There was a saying here then, "use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without", which people lived by to a large degree. Those were things that helped us win the second world war. Although people had tons of scrap on the farm they hadn't sold it off, but during the war, they gave it to "Uncle Sam" who turned it by the billions of tons into tanks, planes, battleships, bullets, and anything else it would make. When the next world war comes, and it will come, we're going to be in a mess.