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You cant fix stupid with duct tape

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  1. #1
    hmburner started this thread.

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    You cant fix stupid with duct tape

    At the yard where I work,we got a baby Trojan loader that runs out nice as scrap from a local greenhouse. I would guess that its from the sixties with a 6 cylinder International diesel engine and looks to have spent its life stored indoors.
    I guess management sold this loader to one of our local peddlers that frequent the yard. I see him sitting in it trying to start it with no luck (I move it around when its in the way and never have a problem starting it) so I walk over to see what the problem is. He tells me he has the choke pulled out and it still wont start (he has the lever pulled that is clearly labeled ENGINE STOP) so I ask him if he remembers the grade nine auto class about the differance between diesels and gas engines? He replies almost proudly that he never made it that far in school.
    We pushed the loader onto his trailer with our little shear and off he went
    Here in Ontario education is free,so there is no excuse to not have at least a high school education. I see these people all the time in the yard and it makes me wonder how they manage to survive. If I had any say in the matter,these people would be on disability pension so they could be kept from harming themselves or others. Sorry for my rant on a Sunday morning ,but this kind of thing really irks me

  2. #2
    RustyDollars's Avatar
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    I appreciate the story but I never look down on a person who is trying to make a living. Why would you want an able body to be on the government teat?
    If it wasn't for the $ in $crap, it would just be.....

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  4. #3
    nuttingbutjunk's Avatar
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    You cant fix stupid with duct tape

    Not being rude you may be the one that needs a education. It never hurts no one to lend a helping hand.

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  6. #4
    hmburner started this thread.

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    Put them on disability pension so the rest of us dont have to deal with them. I have been in the scrap bus. thirty years and never been hurt,but have seen quite a few close calls because the persons involved dont stop and think ahead. Can you imagine a no mind like this one running a loader with other people around ? The scrap I have dealt with all my life is all big such thing as a sprain or cut in this stuff. I have seen two people killed on the job because of lack of forethought.
    In the three years I have been with this yard,they have given me 3 guys to train as burners. The first question I ask is if they finished high school. All three told me no. Down the road they went. If you cant finish high school ,you are either untrainable or too lazy to learn. Neither of which I want to work beside for my own safety.

  7. #5
    ginofrater's Avatar
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    I am a Canadian and a Scrapper living in Ontario.

    I am proud of the Compassion and Tolerance that this country is famous for .

    I ask forgiveness from the SMF community for this thread .


    Last edited by ginofrater; 10-20-2013 at 08:06 AM.

  8. #6
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    Wow someone needs a bit of education in "class"....someone taught you something at some point....maybe just pointing out that he might have mistakenly pulled the wrong level out that he might have either grabbed by mistake or looked over wpuld have shown you weren't an ass. Sorry but that attitude of yours and the condescending tone makes you an ass....and I dont call too many people out.

    Just because school didnt work out for them (and you don't know the reason they dropped out), is no cause to dismiss someone outright. Oh amd for the record I have a college degree in business. Plenty of people who are very smart and sucessful didn't finish school.

    Maybe your ATTITUDE is why you are TRAINING people at tue yard and not managing or owning it....

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  10. #7
    hmburner started this thread.

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    I wouldnt want to own my own yard.....too many headaches. Sorry for the tone of my posts,maybe it was the conversation my supervisor and I had about dead wood that works for us and how to get rid of them. The only reason I am a burner is my bank says I have to have a steady job to have a mortgage. I have worked independant contract jobs for years......where the real money is. I also have a college degree as and industrial mechanic. And I got that because I told unemployment I was too stupid to find a job,so they sent me to get educated free of charge. In high school,I took three years of socialolgy,where I learned to profile people. I have a big heart,but some people require a kickstart. Again I apoligize if I have offended anyone,just my thoughts for the day

  11. #8
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    "The first question I ask is if they finished high school. All three told me no. Down the road they went. If you cant finish high school ,you are either untrainable or too lazy to learn. Neither of which I want to work beside for my own safety
    Just another example of being educated but having no common sense. To lend a helping hand to those less fortunate than you (no matter the reason) is the most "educated" and spiritual thing you can do. Hope you never need a helping hand someday 'cause it might not be there. You often get back what you give out.

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  13. #9
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    Hmburner, if you were working at my yard and that happened, that would have been your last day. I won't tolerate employees disrespecting other employees or customers. Just sayin'.

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  15. #10
    hmburner started this thread.

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    Again Im sorry for getting everyone so stirred up,maybe I should relate a story as to why I think this way. This is only the second time I have ever worked in a smaller yard and neither one I ever had to deal with customers. In 20/20 hindsight,I should have just left the guy that bought the loader to his own devices. I started my career in scrap out of high school cutting ships where I got to know the owners of the yards that buy and sell ships all over the world. Back in 1981 I used to go on the tow to bring the ship back to the yard and was asked to train a burner to take my place when I was gone. Normally,we have two burners on board : one cuts starboard and one cuts port. I trained the new guy to cut deck and leave two foot tacks or safetys so nothing falls till I get the crane hooked up to it,cut the tacks and make a lift. While the new guy was cutting on deck I was in the double bottoms cutting all the supports so we can lift twenty ton sections when we pulled the ship out of the water. The new guy decided it would work better if he left 2 inch tacks. While I was in the double bottoms his tacks broke and he dropped a 300 ton section down into the hold. It shook about five ton of rust and mud loose in the double bottoms where I was and I thought my world had come to and end. After I crawled out and found out what had happened our new burner was gone and time to train another one. My new burner this time was told to watch my line and alert me if anything looked screwy (I was cutting in the double bottoms on the last hundred feet of the ship and this is where it gets unstable)The hull sank and I had to swim out underwater while the new burner went for lunch. The second new burner was gone and the boss gave me a C note and was paid to go drinking for the afternoon. So hence,I have carried this attitude in life. I am the first to pick up a hitch hiker or help someone in need,but when it comes to work,you have to prove to me that you can think.

    Again Im sorry,I guess im not used to the small time scrap bus.
    Last edited by hmburner; 10-20-2013 at 11:48 AM.

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  17. #11
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    Sorry, but studying Sociology does not teach "profiling". Sociology is the study of group dynamics/characteristics. Psychology is the study of individual traits and characteristics. But even diagnosing is not done in a general setting and is always done only after testing.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

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  19. #12
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    LOL....I got tired of reading

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  21. #13
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    What's worse than stupid? Stupid with a degree.

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  23. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by happyscraper View Post
    What's worse than stupid? Stupid with a degree.
    Last edited by Gravitar; 10-20-2013 at 05:43 PM.
    Made in China, Recycled in the Republic of Texas!

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  25. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by hmburner View Post
    <snip> The first question I ask is if they finished high school. All three told me no. Down the road they went. If you cant finish high school ,you are either untrainable or too lazy to learn. Neither of which I want to work beside for my own safety.

    Everyone deserves a chance, even if only the smallest chance. here's a short true story.
    He quit high school in first year. Just couldn't absorb formal education. Had some 30 jobs over the next 3 years - unable to stabilise - then got a job to convert mechanical ledger machines to decimal currency (Australia 1965). He had 3 months training, then spent 18 years with that company. The last 30 years were spent in his own business in the Personal Computer industry consulting, selling, building, cabling and running networks, installing and support.

    Who? Me! I got my chance in 1965 - the person who interviewed me for the job must have seen something worthwhile.

    BTW, while at Burroughs during those 18 years, the sales manager increased the sales team with 19 fresh from uni candidates.
    I guess the theory was that if you could survive university, you could learn to sell stuff. 12 months later all but 1 of that team of
    19 still worked there. Just saying is all.


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  27. #16
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hmburner;171215[B
    ]Put them on disability pension so the rest of us dont have to deal with them. [/B]I have been in the scrap bus. thirty years and never been hurt,but have seen quite a few close calls because the persons involved dont stop and think ahead. Can you imagine a no mind like this one running a loader with other people around ? The scrap I have dealt with all my life is all big such thing as a sprain or cut in this stuff. I have seen two people killed on the job because of lack of forethought.
    In the three years I have been with this yard,they have given me 3 guys to train as burners. The first question I ask is if they finished high school. All three told me no. Down the road they went. If you cant finish high school ,you are either untrainable or too lazy to learn. Neither of which I want to work beside for my own safety.
    Scrapper, Scrap Yard Worker, Horse farm worker, Cooler Puller and just plain ''tired''

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  29. #17
    newattitude's Avatar
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    I am the first to pick up a hitch hiker or help someone in need,but when it comes to work,you have to prove to me that you can think.

    Again Im sorry,I guess im not used to the small time scrap bus.
    Maybe you need to hitchhike so someone can pick you up and give you some much needed help. Idiot.

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  31. #18
    hmburner started this thread.

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    I hitch hiked to california in my teens. Learned a lot on that trip

  32. #19
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    I once was beginning a new job as a commercial carpenter. The first thing the foreman asked me was "can you read a tape?"
    Within two or three days they had him loading up his tools, and I had his job ; )

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  34. #20
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    Uh oh. I guess I am screwed.

    I didn't graduate (for reasons I rather not get into).

    What ever am I gonna do?

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