DO NOT click on http//mapsnapit links anywhere you see them. If they are on a Craiglist ad they will likely in the free section in a curb alert ad. You will also notice there is not a link to reply to the ad poster anywhere in the listing. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT click on the link and install the program to get a map of where the stuff is. It is a scam and will download a virus that will take over your computer changing your home page and installing a bunch of other programs. If your computer keeps redirecting your homepage to start.quone8 dot com it’s already too late and you need to get it out of your computer soon or eventually it may destroy your computer and gather information it finds on your hard drive.
I know from experience and searching, it happened to me yesterday

in my haste to think I was going to score some free stuff in my hometown I hit the link and installed. Fortunately I got the installed programs out and did a system restore to an earlier date, ran several virus scans, everything seems to be ok so far. One of those things I was in a hurry and did not notice the same exact listing for another town several lines down. I flagged both ads and put up my own warning, in a few hours my ad was flagged and gone.
Hopefully this post will save more readers here some grief. Good Luck and Good Scrapping.